It has been a little bit since my last post. I generally post when I am bored at work and the past 2 weeks were busy.

Today for a change I am curious about your hardware. Do have a laptop, desktop, both? One, 2, more? Why so many if you got more than 1? What hardware is it in it? Anything you would like to upgrade/change for your use case? Ever ran into any support issues with them? Any Steamdecks or funky hardware around?

  • MouseWithBeer@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
    1 year ago

    Ahhh alright. I was asking in case you did how your experience was with it on Linux because I own the game but I haven’t touched it in forever because I can not be bothered to boot into Windows because Protondb doesnt look optimistic with it.

    Huh I completely missed the 2024 version news, gotta check that out.