For ex: I used to pick each loose hair off my body throughout my shower. Now I leave them on and pick em all off at the end, and this speeds things up.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Use the sink to fill a bucket with hot tap water and use that to dunk in your wash cloth to scrub while the water is off.

    Steps: turn water on and get wet. Shampoo hair. Wash face. Turn off water. Scrub body with wash cloth from top to bottom. Turn water on. Lightly “scrub” your face with water after getting the shampoo out of your hair. Rinse off everything else. Dump the soapy water bucket down the drain. Turn off water after giving it a few seconds to chase the remaining soap down the drain. Only requires the shower to be on for a few minutes total.