Losing 9kg in under 24hr is uh…a lot. Even with massive diarrhea that’s nearly 20 pounds of weight. Can you even lose that much through dehydration and not die?
Yes, but it’s cutting it close.
An 80kg man will have 48kg of water in his body on average. A loss of 15-25% is life-threatening, which would be 7-12kg of water weight.
Putting on weight for large swims is common and not only that but the amount in my comment was quoted from an article about swimming the English channel.
Losing 9kg in under 24hr is uh…a lot. Even with massive diarrhea that’s nearly 20 pounds of weight. Can you even lose that much through dehydration and not die?
Yes, but it’s cutting it close.
An 80kg man will have 48kg of water in his body on average. A loss of 15-25% is life-threatening, which would be 7-12kg of water weight.
Didn’t the man who swam the English channel gain 10 kg because he would need to burn it during the activity or whatever?
Loads of people swim the English channel, its not /that/ hard. you might be thinking of a different swimmer
Putting on weight for large swims is common and not only that but the amount in my comment was quoted from an article about swimming the English channel.
But sure, gaslight me.
Lmao I wasn’t trying to gaslight you. I wasn’t sure of the info myself, hence why I said might