I don’t want to get too political in shower thoughts, but this would solve a lot of the hot button issues if more people just had safer and supportive environments to escape to and volunteers / paid professionals to help them on the other end.

  • Case@unilem.org
    1 year ago

    You say we don’t need more policing, but I have a point to interject.

    I was completely sober while my wife was decidedly… not. She had just struck me and it would produce a black eye later.

    I called the police, aside from the abuse, my wife was experiencing a mental breakdown and was on the verge of suicide. When I say verge, I mean I had hidden or destroyed anything she could hurt herself with, including my own psych meds that I need for my own mental health issues. She still tried, though ineffectual. We needed professional help. We wanted an ambulance. We requested an ambulance from 911. The pigs showed up, of course.

    I had a swelling eye, a witness, and a dramatically unstable wife and was almost arrested.

    The police do not care about your well being. “Serve and protect” has been stricken down by the Supreme Court. The police serve the 1%, and deal with us plebians as easily as possible… that is to say, they will ruin your life because it is easier than taking care of the actual offended.

    We need a support agency for health, especially mental health, crises. A mentally unstable person can cause a lot of damage, either to their own life, or others. That includes death.

    End statement. TL;DR; we need a public agency that helps people who are having a mental health crisis and doesn’t treat them as violent extremists.