Hello everyone, Figured I’d ask here 'cause I’m getting the problem that got me to quit my previous world again: When I’ve got a sufficiently large build I want to make I can’t clearly envision how I want to assemble it. To take the current example: I’ve just finished building my Miner Mk2 after redesigning it (lost my BPs when I upgraded my PC) and I can already see that while leagues better than the Mk1 it will be insufficient for the big projects I want to do… so I’ve begun work designing it’s replacement. Thing is the replacement is a Large Grid mining vessel with a special mining bore-arm that I’d designed separately and special connector-arm to be able to transfer material to my ground-base. I’ve got those two elements but I can see several ways to set up the internals and I’m not sure which one to go with… or how I’d want to stylize the Hull since I couldn’t exactly fly a LG brick.

Anyone else get this problem? Should I design the hull first and then fit the functional bits inside it?

  • GregorGizeh
    1 year ago

    I first make a feature list to map out what it’s supposed to do and what components it will need / want.

    Then I try and think of a rough shape, usually the intended role gives me an idea or I just google random space ship artwork for inspiration.

    Third is roughly arranging the internals for the desired shape, then some armor work around them to make a basic frame.

    Next, shuffling internals and the frame shape around until everything fits well enough

    Once the internals are set up, some testing of everything works as intended

    And lastly, detailing and greebling to make it look good and not just a brick.