My partner and I do a lot of board games together, and I have been looking for a 2 person game we can do together. I wanted to get it for them for the holiday present season. We prefer co op games but enjoy competitive games too if it’s lightly competitive (like you can get points but can’t easily take points from the other). Any suggestions for board or card games that you enjoy?

  • dom [he/him]
    10 months ago

    The following are easy recommendations based on my personal experience with playing games with my partner.

    Micro Macro - Cooperative. It’s Where’s Waldo but you play as detectives solving crimes on a giant map.

    Lost Cities - Competitive. The most play time of any game we own very light. Games last 10-20 minutes. Lighter on theme than I typically like.

    Terraforming Mars - Competitive (less confrontational than Lost Cities). Heavy game. Long session 45 minutes+.