I like how they accuse the artist of virtue signaling, while simultaneously virtue signaling how awful violence is, no matter who it’s targeting.
Also, calling it shitty art? I think it’s sick af.
Virtue signaling is only something other people do when I don’t like what they’re saying.
Virtue signaling is a vice that I, a virtuous individual, would never partake in.
All these fucking sympathizers are giving me vibes that their family members are racist and they’re getting defensive to cope 'cause it could be them up there lmaoo
Cool pic, wish I could have commented on the thread before it got locked. The style makes it feel raw, like the artist was gripping their brush tightly and slashing at the canvas with it.
Redditors hate this because it’s not a soulless photorealistic image of baby Yoda
I also hate KKK members, and really don’t understand their type of nasty racism. (I love different races of chickens, that’s is racist too in some way, but it’s love, not fueled by hatred. But that’s a different topic I guess.
What are you talking about :agony:
Weren’t all the redditors soyfacing about how in RDR2 killing KKK and eugenicists didn’t penalize you? Honestly
You also had your fair share of Redditoids chudding out over beating up suffragettes
I know you warned me, but all of the smug enlightened centrists are out in force.
To the artist, It appears you have become the monster you set out to destroy.
"Dear Sir/Madam, by wanting to see white supremacists dead, YOU have become the white supremacist. "
jesus I can feel the liberalism radiating off this one
What part of “no excuses for the terror” is difficult to understand?