Researchers said changing packaging on meat and dairy-free products, which often proudly tout their vegan status, could result in more people selecting them.

People are more likely to pick a meat-free option if it’s not labelled vegan, a study suggests.

Foods described as “healthy”, “sustainable” or “plant-based” are all more appealing, according to the University of Southern California.

Its research saw more than 7,000 people asked to choose between a vegan food basket and one with meat and dairy.

The former was randomly labelled “vegan”, “plant-based”, “healthy”, “sustainable” or “healthy and sustainable”.

The experiment found people were more likely to select it when the focus was on its benefits (such as “sustainable”) rather than its content, though “plant-based” was still more popular than “vegan”.

    10 months ago

    Just because we can figure out clever ways to feed huge numbers doesn’t mean the planet’s other systems can handle it. It doesn’t mean we can thrive.

    And uh, insects? no It’s not our responsibility to live ever more densely and efficiently to maximize human numbers. It’s the psychopathic hoarders and their favorite tool capitalism that is the driver for our population explosion, more people means more to produce for them.