• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    if someone made a multi-part series that sought to “proportionately” display death and destruction done to Palestinians and Israelis (based only on numbers of dead) they could produce a 10 part, one hour per episode series and spend only 30 mins on Israeli deaths and the other 9.5/10 hrs on Palestinian deaths. and that’s just as of right now. And also only based on deaths not accounting for missing, injured, total destruction of Gaza making it unliveable, etc. That ratio is only going to worsen and perhaps in the end the “balance of suffering” will make it only 15 mins of a 10 hour series on just the events of Oct 7 and going forward. ignoring the 75 years which would keep pushing that ratio down to being generous to even give Israelis a 1 minute fast-mention of violence done to them and basically a solid 10 hours explaining what the Israelis did to the Palestinians.

    I know that’s a somewhat silly way to look at it, but this project, when framed in context, is beyond silly. It’s grotesque. He plans to make a documentary to explain and forgive the crimes of Israel and condemn the population which has been completely victimized for basically a century.

    I’m not exaggerating when I say it would be like someone making a film about the Nazis and how the mean Soviets and western allies beat them up for the small crime of wanting an Aryan homeland. Or something like that. Of course films like this exist (Birth of a Nation?) and most people (rightfully) view them as gross and for what they are… apologia for horrific behavior. They’re seen now days, separated by time, that way anyway.

    It’s probably too much of a stretch, but, fuck it. Spielberg is known for a ton of good movies including Schindler’s List. That movie has always sat a tad bit uneasy with me because although it depicts (as far as I’m aware) a pretty much accurate story, he also throws in a dash of Zionism that even when I was younger, and didn’t know what Israel even was, I was like “wait why the fuck is this random country honoring this guy?” Spielberg fucking tied the story back into “and Schindler saved all those Jews and some went to Israel so you should support Israel (implied) just like Oskar would have wanted. Don’t they deserve a “homeland?””

    That shit has been stewing in my brain on a low simmer for like 20 years now. I think I finally found the words to express how I felt when I first watched that movie. I remember it being extremely heart wrenching, he definitely displays the absolute disregard that Nazis had for humanity. You can’t help but leave the film thinking or wondering what you’d do, why it happened, etc. A great film as far as storytelling goes. I mean, it’s Spielberg, come on. But he just had to add that fucking Zionist shit at the end (maybe it’s at the beginning too, been a while).