I don’t, if not the feel of the jump changes and feels weird in my opinion, if you look at the Celeste gif for coyote jumping the character goes down a couple of pixels in the air while still on coyote time.
I think this is what OP is referring to:
Interesting. I still don’t understand OP’s question, but thanks for sharing.
Isn’t this literally the definition of coyote time?
If your doing the physics calculations on your own, you only need to run gravity physics when an onGround flag is false. You instead run a CheckOnGround() check to keep the onGround flag on. When it is not on ground, set a coyoteTimer and if CheckOnGround() is still false after the timer is up, then set onGround to false and run gravity physics.
They coyoteTimer time is dependent on the CheckOnGround radius and model speed, but it should be hardly noticeable. Run some tests and see what feels good.
Disclaimer, I’m not a professional, so I’m definitely open to better suggestions.
I’m not sure how Celeste does it specifically, but I think the important part is just being able to jump for a few extra frames after leaving a surface. I’d try it both ways and just go with whichever feels better.
My gut feeling is that gravity off will feel better, because it keeps your max jump height the same as it would be if you jumped before coyote time. It keeps things more predictable. Gravity on will mean that the max height gets slightly lower for each frame of coyote time before the jump starts.