So I‘ve been a gamer for all my life, never experienced back pain. Not while on the couch, not while pc gaming, never.

But now since I work on a computer in an office all day long, after not even 2 hours my back feels weird and i have the urge to stretch and bend and even crack it, even though i never did thos, not even after a wow all-nighter.

Any tips?

    1 year ago
    • lose weight. No clue what shape you are in, but less mass means less strain on your back

    • take as many regular breaks as you can, and walk around. Sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to your back

    • exercise. Strengthening your core will help every aspect of life, including your back/back pain

    • buy a very nice pair of running shoes. This will help support your back when you are not sitting and put far less stress on your body as a whole

    • analyze your sleeping situation: pillows, mattress, amount of time allotted to sleep. The sitting all day part sucks, but there are other factors such as this that can contribute to alleviating and/or eliminating back strain

    • stretch and meditation are things that can improve all aspects of your life, and certainly couldn’t hurt to regularly incorporate into your daily routine

    • I’ve never read them myself, but I’ve heard good things about Dr. Sarno’s books. He has several that focus on back pain, and the mind & body. Maybe a lemming who has read can comment?

    Back pain is the absolute worst One of the few pains I’ve experienced where even sleep did not provide any respite. I wish you the best of luck!