Their premise isnt wrong, with a Trillion people the statistical likelihood of more geniuses to solve our problems is almost certain. So yes there’s one in the “pro” column.
The “cons” column however is thousands of lines long and would pretty much guarantee humanities extinction.
I would like to point out that the Renaissance started and saw a huge generational explosion of “mozarts” within a single city of Venice with roughly the population of most small podunk towns. Saying that more people are needed is disengenuous, you need the right environment raising people to the level of geniuses.
Its not needed, but its also almost a mathematical certainty. If we had 692 Billion more people, we would almost definitely at least have a few more people of natural genetic inclination towards being geniuses.
We wouldnt be able to feed everyone or breathe but thats my point, they arent wrong but they are idiots.
You arent wrong, but neither is the other guy.
Their premise isnt wrong, with a Trillion people the statistical likelihood of more geniuses to solve our problems is almost certain. So yes there’s one in the “pro” column.
The “cons” column however is thousands of lines long and would pretty much guarantee humanities extinction.
I would like to point out that the Renaissance started and saw a huge generational explosion of “mozarts” within a single city of Venice with roughly the population of most small podunk towns. Saying that more people are needed is disengenuous, you need the right environment raising people to the level of geniuses.
Its not needed, but its also almost a mathematical certainty. If we had 692 Billion more people, we would almost definitely at least have a few more people of natural genetic inclination towards being geniuses.
We wouldnt be able to feed everyone or breathe but thats my point, they arent wrong but they are idiots.