For a piracy-oriented community I’m surprised this isn’t discussed as much.

Do you ever store media, or delete them after watching? How do you store them?

I personally have 12TB worth of hard drives (3x4TB) in a JBOD configuration. Been wanting to upgrade my hard drives (they’re 6 years old) but I’m still a little skeptical of the helium drives and whether they will last…

    2 years ago

    When I had 500gb of storage (cheap external SSD), I had a decent range of movies and tv, and whenever I finished watching a movie or series I would delete it unless I knew I would watch it again within the next year or so. Out of 500gb, I had about 200gb that was pretty static, and 300gb of space dedicated towards new stuff. I recently upgraded to a 4tb internal hdd for storage so I’m having more movies and tv available, but I still get rid of movies and tv that I likely won’t rewatch within the next year. I have 125 ebooks downloaded but it’s only at 400 MB so I’m not going to bother trimming down that collection except when I don’t like a book.

    Games and music are the two things I don’t have an overwhelming urge to pirate, I mainly buy indie games on steam and pay $10 a month for the convenience of streaming music through tidal (I tried pirating my music with lidarr, but it was such a PITA to get everything I wanted, especially since I love trying new artists