That just sounds like free advertising. No one would actually connect the Sunoco name to a forest fire…but Sunoco would get their company name repeated millions of times per day on web and TV network traffic free of charge. No thanks.
Trust me, calling a Hurricane season the BP Hurricane Season is not free advertising. A bunch of red hat-wearing cultists will love it, but the vast majority of the planet will understand the premise. And it will tick away at their dominance.
Or we can just carry on and let them open up public lands to drill baby drill whilst we watch average global temps rise.
Oil and gas companies are awesome at branding. We need to be better. We should name the heatwaves after oil companies.
We should also name the hurricane season. So the Exxon Mobile Heatwave, and the British Petroleum Hurricane Season. The Suncor Forest Fires.
IIRC, a weatherman started doing this
I would love to see citation of this, any links?
Maybe they are referring to this…
yep, that’s it! thanks bud!
We already have the Edison forest fires 🔥
That just sounds like free advertising. No one would actually connect the Sunoco name to a forest fire…but Sunoco would get their company name repeated millions of times per day on web and TV network traffic free of charge. No thanks.
Trust me, calling a Hurricane season the BP Hurricane Season is not free advertising. A bunch of red hat-wearing cultists will love it, but the vast majority of the planet will understand the premise. And it will tick away at their dominance.
Or we can just carry on and let them open up public lands to drill baby drill whilst we watch average global temps rise.