Hi there, have a question (coming from a legal municipality):

Recently picked up a 1g preroll of cannabis from the dispensary and left it in my car for a week (ambient temps around 41°). When I went to smoke it, it smelled the same and looked the same (was in a sealed plastic container) but it had no effect whatsoever. Does THC degrade at high ambient temps?

  • Delta 3D Studios@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Woot! That’s awesome, the Arizer extremeQ is one hell of a nice vaporizer. I actually use mine for conducting testing on strains - I preheat the vaporizer at a desired temperature for 20 minutes, the load a measured dose, and then slowly fill a balloon with vapor. Then I hold the vapor up to a light source and observe the opacity of the vapor. The more milky white, the higher the quality of herb at that temperature (so if I’m testing low temps, and try cooking a top-shelf indica, of course it won’t produce much vapor at very low temps compared to high temps, but a high grade sativa would).

    This lets me determine the quality of the herb, as well as what type of strain it is (if it’s a hybrid, I can determine if it’s sativa-leaning or indica-leaning based on vapor production.

    Few pro tips from a seasoned EQ expert:

    • PREHEAT!!! Some people buy mods to get the herb closer to the heater port. But instead the real secret is to just turn on your device for 30 minutes before loading and using it. This will let the glass oven fully “heat-soak” before use. This yields more optimal efficient extraction

    • Try the nugget method - instead of grinding, break off a tiny nugget and toss it in the oven. Take a few puffs, then stir to break up the nugget and “Refresh” the flavor - this lets you flavor-chase throughout the whole session.

    • Try the elbow-pack method. Some people like to stuff the tiny “elbow” screen (the one that holds back the herb) full with herb - this seems to yield a good extraction. But I’m not too impressed, although some people swear by it lol.

    • Filling balloons with vapor? Check out the Camelbak Silicone “Bite-Valves” - the cheap silicone ones slide right over the mouthpiece of the balloons and traps the vapor - to get vapor you simply “bite” on the mouthpiece to open so you can suck out the vapor.

    Keep in mind that 100% complete extraction (at one set temperature) results in 100% uniform color across every flake of herb in the oven. (the specific shade of brown varies depending on temp used) - just know that is what to look for. Not everyone wants to achieve 100% complete extraction (others dump/refill when they’ve extracted about 70-75% ish of the herb), but that’s a key to remember.

    Let me know if you need any more help with that device!

    • Smokeydope@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      As always you are fantastic @Delta3DStudios thank you so much!!

      I was wondering some things: What is a good temp range with these? I have been using the method you suggested for my max pro of starting at 300, letting it preheat a bit, taking a few good hits and bumping the temp +20f every few minutes until 385f daytime or 430f evening.

      With this desktop I’m not really getting any vapor until I hit around 400f and the device can go up to 500f. Do you have any suggestions for the temps I should be using/avoiding?

      The preheat thing for desktop is my biggest issue right now. Even just loading the herb and waiting for it to vaporize can take 3-5 minutes, which is a big difference from the comparatively instant smoke im use to with air max and plain old combustion. Plus preferably a 30 min preheat for best heat extraction? I will have to learn to have a little patience. Maybe get my first wake and bake done with air max while its preheating

      Should I have whip inserted while its preheating? What is minimum time for preheat in your opinion?

      Your mighty scoop tool is looking real useful now :-)

      What is difference between old cyclone bowls I have and new connaseur bowls?

      Finally,would it be okay to email you? Not sure how Lemmy PMS work.

      Thanks again! You are awesome!