The bitter fight between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Byron Donalds over a line about slavery in the state’s revised African American history standards is infuriating several prominent Black conservatives.

    2 年前

    I will keep it simple and it will be the last thing I will respond to as I know from experience it is like talking to a wall when cults are involved.

    You are in a ‘club’ of likeminded people, that ‘club’ did unspeakable acts against humanity. Does not matter who in the club did it. You keep supporting and defending that club. This ‘club’ keeps violating people (think rapes of children by pastors to give you but one example). You are by association just as guilty.

    Now lets name that ‘club’ something extreme, to drive this point home : Nazis
    If you are ‘in that club’ you do net get to whitewash the holocaust now do you? Why do christians get a pass on this type of thing?

    No need to answer, I know you will keep defending the club that currently and in the past violated so, so many of our community.

    Start believing people and your own eyes instead of the fantasy being told to you.