• Emerald@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Breaking news here tonight a student at Oppenheimer High opened fire today with a nuclear warhead. We do not currently know the identity of the perpetrator. Police cannot enter to rescue victims because the radiation is too high. PPE against radiation will be delivered to the PD later today, but for now there is nothing they can do.

    Concerns are being raised over civilian access to nuclear weapons. This is the second school nuking attempt this month. The first was at Robert Elementary where the warhead failed to explode. I’ll turn you over to Jackson Lee with the latest on this incident. Jackson tell us what you’ve gathered.

    LEE: We haven’t learned much but police have deployed a drone to look more into this incident, however they do not know exactly how the drone will respond when faced with the challenge of radiation. We know during Chernobyl back in 1986 how helicopters would malfunction under the stressors of radiation. But that’s all we know for now we will keep you updated.

    Jackson, thank you so much for that valuable information. Now we turn to the weather for today, take it away Samuel.