Was watching From (horror series from MGM) and one of the episodes had the credits listed in a strange order. I know there’s some politicking in who gets listed in what order, but this was odd because it was for very minor parts.

There’s a gaggle of 7 scary children who are basically there to look creepy, and while they technically have speaking parts, they all just say the same gibberish word over and over. In the credits for S02E10, after the one guest star, the next screen lists (among other cast) “ghoulish child” #5 and #7, then the screen after that lists #2, 3, 4, and 6 (one of the kids is called “ghastly child” and I guess is more main, though I couldn’t really see a difference).

Any idea what could cause this? Could kids 5 and 7 be related to the director or something? What possible reason could there be for listing such minor parts out of order? And if they wanted a couple kids featured more prominently, why wouldn’t they just call those kids 2 and 3 instead of 5 and 7?

edit: here’s a link to the imdb cast page

  • tigeruppercutOP
    9 months ago

    Hm, so maybe they counted each time the kids got to say the gibberish word and listed them in that order with the highest word count first? I guess that’d be one way to do it.