There would be SUCH a revolt from authors if publishers tried to do something to legislate libraries away that I doubt any new books would be released for decades.
Who’s talking about imprisonment? I’m talking about another writer’s strike, leaving publishers with nothing to publish for months or years. With their margins already razor-thin, they have to know that they’d just be done if they tried any funny business.
“Yo ho, fiddle-dee dee, a [REDACTED_DUE_TO_LEMMY.WORLD_POLICY]'s life for me!”
but also
“Having fun isn’t hard if you have a library card!”
I’ve been checking out so many good shows and movies from my local public library
The library feels like it should be illegal somehow. It’s SO GOOD.
I’m shocked they’re still legal.
Give them time
There would be SUCH a revolt from authors if publishers tried to do something to legislate libraries away that I doubt any new books would be released for decades.
Oh no. Everyone knows The Party fears a revolt of academics and intellectuals more than anything. My man, they’re always the first ones to go.
“You can judge the degree of civilization by looking at who is imprisoned” / Dostojevskij
Who’s talking about imprisonment? I’m talking about another writer’s strike, leaving publishers with nothing to publish for months or years. With their margins already razor-thin, they have to know that they’d just be done if they tried any funny business.