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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/LowRel on 2023-06-22 07:01:53+00:00.

We have had a cat for a few years, her name is Bellatrix, Bella for short and she is supposed to be around 7 years old, according to what the vet told us when we got her and the time that passed since then.

My brother had been dating this girl Mary for two months when she got pregnant and she is 5 months along with a baby girl now. Mary is a bossy “alpha” woman who is used to getting her way every time and I already didn’t like her before this thing happened.

Last week she told us that she has already chosen the name for the baby,which is Bella, and then said “Of course you’ll have to change the cat’s name so that the baby can be the only Bella”, as if it was an obvious consequence.

I told her immediately that it was not happening, that the cat responded to that name and she had come first and that Mary would either live with the fact that her daughter shared a name with an eldery cat or have to choose a different name.

Mary got pissed at me because I was “prioritizing a stupid cat over her daughter” and I wasn’t “accomodating her needs”, to which I replied that using a certain name for her daughter is not a need.

Ever since this happened Mary has refused to talk to any of us and I’m afraid I might have jeopardized my family’s relationship with Mary and the baby permanently, but I love my cat and I love her name and my parents agreed that her request was out of line. AITA?

  • alboru11221
    2 years ago

    NTA. What does she think? Is she going to tell everyone with the same name to change theirs? Hilarious