-Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer first aired on 12/6/1964, before integration was made fully federally enforceable by Heart Of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. on 12/14.
-Schools in districts such as Greenville in South Carolina took until 1970 to be de jure desegregated.
-Mississippi senator James Eastland, an open and vocal white supremacist and anti-semite, was in office until 1978.
Former Louisiana KKK leader David Duke won 43.5 percent of the vote in the 1990 Louisiana Senate election.
-A majority of the US population disapproved of interracial marriage until the mid 1990s.
-South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond, who once spent 24 hours straight defending segregation, remained in office until shortly before his death at 100 in 2003.
-In 2004 Alabama, a majority of voters opposed a ballot measure to officially remove unenforceable Jim Crow clauses in the state constitution.
-Segregated proms were still held in rural Georgia up through 2013.
Reminder that:
-Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer first aired on 12/6/1964, before integration was made fully federally enforceable by Heart Of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. on 12/14.
-Schools in districts such as Greenville in South Carolina took until 1970 to be de jure desegregated.
-Mississippi senator James Eastland, an open and vocal white supremacist and anti-semite, was in office until 1978.
Former Louisiana KKK leader David Duke won 43.5 percent of the vote in the 1990 Louisiana Senate election.
-A majority of the US population disapproved of interracial marriage until the mid 1990s.
-South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond, who once spent 24 hours straight defending segregation, remained in office until shortly before his death at 100 in 2003.
-In 2004 Alabama, a majority of voters opposed a ballot measure to officially remove unenforceable Jim Crow clauses in the state constitution.
-Segregated proms were still held in rural Georgia up through 2013.
What happened in the mid 80’s to get Americans on board with interracial marriage? Was it somehow the show Cheers?
Oh shit my bad
I meant mid 90s
Oh ok, so it must hqve been Frasier