My little old lady is in the doggo hospital right now (she will be fine) and I miss her and her sweet lil pointy face.

Please share pics of your dogs to cheer me up, especially if there are any grey owners here!

    8 months ago

    Oh wow! I have heard that their skin is very fine and difficult to stitch. Luckilly we’ve only had to deal with it one with our now missed Monty. I am sure Greta will be stocked to come back home.

    Both of ours are whippets but pretty large ones. Louie is having a testicle removed that had started growing rapidly. The vet is not concerned though. He had been a Cryptorchid since we got him so they never dropped. But one of them is now acting up. The vet has let us be there when he wakes up from surgery because we couldn’t bear him waking up alone…