Search engines have been dropping in quality significantly within the past decade, and especially within this past year. The noise to signal ratio has been frankly painful.

Can you please share some resources you use when trying to find answers to technical questions?

For example, STEM, academia, engineering, programming, etc.

    11 months ago

    I definitely agree that search engines have been plummeting in quality. For a while my go-to has been (question) + “reddit” in any search engine, but that strategy has gone to shit too.

    ChatGPT can help if you use it correctly. I’ve had it explain rsync and some curl commands I was trying to use, and it at least gave me enough information that I could search more specific questions elsewhere. You can’t trust it directly though, you have to verify what it says is actually true because it will be confidently wrong sometimes. Verifying is usually easier than searching from scratch though.