The European Court of Human Rights yesterday banned a general weakeningof secure end-to-end encryption. The judgement argues that encryptionhelps citizens and companies to protect themselves against hacking,theft of identity and personal data, fraud and the unauthoriseddisclosure of confidential information. Backdoors could also beexploited by criminal networks and would seriously jeopardise thesecurity of all users' electronic […]
Except that’s not really the trade-off. There will still be means to secure communication and people who have an incentive to do so will go the extra mile to make sure they won’t be spied upon.
But we’ve opened the another door to spy on the general population, because average Joe won’t care. Another big leap towards total control, total surveillance.
Except that’s not really the trade-off. There will still be means to secure communication and people who have an incentive to do so will go the extra mile to make sure they won’t be spied upon.
But we’ve opened
theanother door to spy on the general population, because average Joe won’t care. Another big leap towards total control, total surveillance.