I mean itd be nice if sd could just fuck off but we all know in the long term this is better.
Mastodon: @[email protected]
I mean itd be nice if sd could just fuck off but we all know in the long term this is better.
Wat? Why? Why fish bro.
I guess this is why so many boeing airplanes have been falling out the sky nowadays. They forgot and accidentally based their aiplanes on land dwelling vetrebrates.
Well seems like i missed the most important place on my visit to iceland. I wanted to go back one day anyways but now i have a reason i can tell everyone.
Wouldnt weekly active be a better metric. Counts much less people who just created an account and logged in once. But then again theres probably something thats a million times better than the monthly/weekly active user thing.
At least “a working man” will be something i can just turn on and turn my brain off to. Sometimes you need that.
He talks about it like its wine lol
Doesnt killing mosquitoes cause a bunch of environmental problems? Thats what everyone says when you talk about genociding them.
Doesnt really sound cursed? Seems like a usefull unit. With this logic mols are also cursed(tbf they are) but its easier to explain to people so…
I swear the head was worth my soul
Or just use mastodon? Like seriously i hear so much about ai shit from my friends and family and they all assume i would know the newest thing happening because im “the tech guy” but actually im living in bliss and ive managed to avoid ai so far pretty well.
For fuckkkksss sake. Ill keep my garmin watch until it works but never buying another one. I was so happy to find a watch that had everything i needed. Actually huge shame…
I was trying to water it down a bit and look at it from a somewhat centrist view but if i was gonna be completely honest then if i saw something similar to this on the street where i live id get a baseball bat and crack the skulls open of those fuckers. Tbf if you see something like this here in europe you basically have the right to defend that woman because shes getting assaulted. But this is a bit too radical for most people and my first comment gets the message across anyways.
Even watching the video after reading the title my brain automatically thought she was getting lynched. It doesnt follow any of the rules a legal arrest has to follow. The ice is a lynch mob basically.
More because i rewatched it several times to at least get a slight understanding of the complex situation that went down in the video.
Its especially bad one because most characters in mha are underage from my understanding.
Lol “go pee on the transformer” with an insult like that finland is basically eastern european.