Love this! The metal bit on the back of the head being made into a ponytail is a nice touch.
Love this! The metal bit on the back of the head being made into a ponytail is a nice touch.
That, though, raises another question, because if the conspiracy theories are so easy to debunk that no rational person believes them, why worry about their existence? Unless the population is majority conspiracy theorists.
As for the church being ashamed to have a goblin in their ranks. She summoned an angel, presumably without outside help. Have the church very publicly say she’s one of their best spellcasters, not to mention a pillar of community, and they’re proud to have her in their ranks, doubly so after this generous contribution of much-needed funds. If it comes out that she was cheating, or the church helped her, well, that’s now a problem for the whole church. They wouldn’t put themselves in that spot.
If you didn’t want it to look like the church was easily bought, have the “pillar of community” press release precede the donation.
yunno, on second thought, maybe i don’t want to be using a social platform where communism is the default stance
…isn’t…all of that a reason why she’s not a disposable scapegoat? Isn’t the fact that she’s a public figure the best possible refutation of any of the criticisms just listed?
always nice seeing a fellow Bill Wurtz fan
woman with vaccine microchip coming in for a software update
It doesn’t make cents, it makes dollars
They even lampshade that in Sonic Generations.
Modern Eggman: “You’re not in a position to demand anything, you nasty little pincushion!”
Modern Tails: “Eggman! How?”
Classic Eggman: “He had a little help.”
Classic Tails: “Dr. Robotnik!”
Classic Eggman: “Oh, nobody calls me that anymore.”
“Please, don’t call me by my name. I will exclusively be referred to by a rude nickname given to me by my mortal enemy. I talked to the future version of myself and we both agree it’s the way better name.” ???
Fun fact: Python is not named after an animal! It’s named after the comedy group Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
especially since canonically (in SA1) Sonic started calling him that to make fun of him and he just went with it. on the one hand props for just saying to the haters “you have no power here”, but at the same time like… breh?
I will never understand these people. Like, even if vaccines did cause autism… do you really find us that offensive?
Which is a bit surprising since that’s kind of hard to do.
As you say, though, the developers have given us the tools with which to create our own houses. Why do you say it’s their house?
arguments are wasted on these people
Where are the fans on this thing? Please do not tell me you intend to passively cool a chip you intend to run Cyberpunk 2077 on?
Did we learn nothing from Intel era Apple? Sure, AMD chips run moderately cooler than Intel ones under the same workload, but still…
I like the idea of a plug-and-play emulation station in a retro-styled case, but that case design is copyright infringement territory. Emulation devices are on shaky enough legal ground as it is, we do not need to tempt fate
It’s like this, basically.