• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m one of the younger millennials (I think?).

    I never carry cash unless I have to (for some reason dependent on where I’m going). I primarily use my phone to make payments, and I don’t have a traditional wallet, but I do have a slim card-holder that carries my debit card, driving licence and one or two other important cards.

    Take that for what you will, I guess!

  • Control starts strong, but I got about two thirds of the way through and still felt like I hadn’t progressed the story in any meaningful way, at which point the stylised visuals and combat just wasn’t enough to keep me engaged.

    I dunno. Maybe I gave up right before things were due to start picking up, but for all the hours I’d sunk into it, I didn’t feel like much more than a glorified maintenance woman, with most quests consisting of “go there, flip a switch, come back”

    Still, at this price, it’s easily worth a punt for anyone with interest.

    Also it’s 100% “SCP: the game” 😅

  • I vaguely remember playing that game and not enjoying it.

    Something about a dead guy possessing his squad mates? And demons and stuff?

    I seem to recall really struggling and ultimately relying on a single character and funneling all enemies into a single choke point where I could take them on one by one.

    This was a long time ago and really is hazy at best on my mind. I’d be morbidly curious to give it another shot today just to see what was up.

  • AcidOctopus@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    I own a pair of Porta Pros as daily drivers. I also have a pair of Ananda’s that I run through a BTR7 (not super flashy but more than your average person’s setup).

    I would say the average person doesn’t need more than a pair of Porta Pros. They’re absolutely fine 😅