adb to remove google services, fdroid for a firefox browser, revanced manager on github to compile revanced, and once that’s done all that’s left is to install it. Maybe also export it so that you don’t have to rebuild that version again.
adb to remove google services, fdroid for a firefox browser, revanced manager on github to compile revanced, and once that’s done all that’s left is to install it. Maybe also export it so that you don’t have to rebuild that version again.
Whoah, that’s cool! Gonna have to try it out at some point.
I just use furnace to make covers, but it would be nice to use the actual chip at some point. Maybe there’s a stray PC98 on ebay or something lol
Both. It makes it easier to keep in touch technically, but whether or not they are responsive is a whole other story.
With just goldberg yeah. There’s another program, i don’t recall it’s name at the moment, that keeps track of acheivements.
If you have a large steam library, the rin forum has some tools to help backup a good chunk of those games. Usually you can’t run a steam game without the steam client, but steamless and goldberg can make them run without needing the client.
Oops, I think I just sent the response to myself lol. but yeah. Vine was entertaining. Tik tok just didn’t click with me.
I never said that shortform content is bad or that tik tok should be banned. I just couldn’t care less about the app because it just doesn’t have anything in particular that interests me. If it did I would be using tik tok and not lemmy lol. The comment above just kinda rubbed me the wrong way i guess.
Both lol
Yeah, the higher the mhz, the faster the PC will run. just make sure that the motherboard is actually compatible with the sticks you decide to get.
Damn bro! you’re already packing a decent setup. Have you tried getting a better PSU? Sometimes the amount of power your parts can draw is the bottleneck. Like yeah by comparison to the higher end stuff it can use improvement but it’s a good mid range.
Oh for sure! It’s better than a nvidia 1060 ti and i also have one and it’s working without issues. Just make sure that the drivers are up to date and that you don’t have duplicate drivers.
Edit: If he decides to get the 6600 a higher grade PSU is probably better because the GPU sometimes spikes and it can shut down the PC if the PSU can’t handle it.
If the motherboard supports it, an nvme ain’t half bad.
An iGPU isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the GPU isn’t working properly, at least the iGPU will let you see what the PC is doing when the GPU isn’t working correctly.
Make sure your PSU can handle the total watts your parts will use. You might want to check how many watts the GPU and CPU use on average. Gold or plat is better than bronze because the PSU will be able to take a sudden spike in power without turning off. Make sure you update your motherboard, especially if you get an AMD GPU.
Edit: your PSU will handle the parts you have, might want to get silver grade PSU but bronze is fine. To update the motherboard it’s just downloading the bios update and installing it via usb in the BIOS menu. Usually you just hammer F2 to get into the BIOS menu, but if it isn’t that key then the splash screen should say how to get to it in one of the corners of the screen.
Lol how are they expecting to crack down on this if you can just use cell data.
Dude, some people just prefer longer form content. To each their own.
Jenkem gang where you at?
Freetube is good too
Especially when the potato laptop stops being so potato all of a sudden. It’s satisfying.
PC game osts:KhinsiderDownloader
Switch dumping: nxdumptool + tinfoil
Wii U ripping: Wii U USB helper or dumpling
PS3 backups: nopaystatoon
Pre-patched rom hacks: CDRomance
Other backups or manuals and scans: Internet archive or vimm’s lair