• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • Anyways, private energy works great in the UK.

    Speaking of power supply, you have multiple lines. That’s an option here too. We also have an option to have a triple phase 415V (these are rare in domestic applications, but in my home country in Latvia that’s how you hook up an electric oven and a hob). Somehow there’s no limit on how much power the 415V line can deliver, I’ve seen some tables that allow up to 1700 Amps, which is completely bonkers. That’s a bloody megaWatt of power!

  • Calorie supply is irrelevant. The main source of calories today is sugar. People in developed countries like the US get 14% of their daily calorie intake from sugar, some countries like Brazil get over 20% from sugar. That’s way above the recommended 5%.

    Another issue with your logic is that land used for grazing can and is simultaneously used for other needs, and it also supports natural bio diversity. Crop land is pretty much a dead land.

  • One good example is New Zealand. They only have about 2% of arable land and their population was always very small. Even when Europeans started to settle on the islands, overall population didn’t grow much. But once Europeans brought grazing animals, NZ population has exploded! Now the islands can support a lot more humans, plus they have enough excess they export to buy plant food they don’t grow.

    Another example is Scotland. They have 10% of arable land and their population is less than 10% of total UK population. Yet they supply 55% of all beef in the UK and 63% of all lamb. And they still export some meat to EU even after Brexit, even though these exports have fallen drammatically. If you compare the satellite view of Scotland and England, you will see that Scotland is a lot more forests and wild areas, while England is just one large wheat and rape field with a bunch of large cities here and there.

    Then there are Alps, which are known for high quality dairy products. Fuck all grows in the mountains so high (in terms of human edible food), yet there are many cows freely grazing and co-existing peacefully with the nature. Just like their wild ancestors did.

    P.S. Fun fact - many public parks in UK cities have cattle proof entrances like the one you can see here in Cambridge. Because cows have no issues eating grass which grows in the parks, so you can use this land not only to enjoy your weekend or lunch break, but also to grow food. Here’s one in London. And not just in any random part of London, but it’s in Richmond, where old rich twats live.

    And here’s a photo of my brother looking at cows in Richmond. Why pay to mow the grass and for cow feed when you can simply let them graze in a park? Win-win-win!

  • I would also like to add some of the higher level features available in most assembly languages.

    1. Memory management. You can define variables, for example, a string one containing “Hello, world!” and the compiler will correctly allocate required memory and you don’t need to know its address while writing the code, you just reference the variable.
    2. Code labels. If you want to do a conditional or unconditional jump, you need to know the address of the code you want to reach. But, obviously, every change you make to your code base will change the memory layout of your binary. Asembly provides code labels. You can think of them like function names.
    3. Assembly allows you to reference 3rd party libraries without knowing exact function entry addresses. You just use function names like you would with C or any other language.

    Modern assembly languages have even more higher level features, like macros support. And some are even hardware agnostic, like intermediate representation assembly language used in LLVM.

  • Energy providers also provide additional value. For example, some energy providers provide only 100% renewable electricity, while most provide electricity from all sources. Some of them have night tariffs, some have EV specific tariffs with integration with your charging station. They also have different incentives for people who want to install solar panels. For example, some might pay a portion of your installation bill, while others might provide a preferential buy back rate.

    Some of them also provide additional services to their clients, like switching your house from standard 230V 100A supply to 230V 300A supply (that’s how you get 22kW EV charging at home in the UK). The thing is that energy infrastructure in the UK is standardised, so any company with a correct licence can do upgrades.

  • I’m not sidestepping anything. When you’re opening a grocery shop, you don’t build a building for it, you’re not doing plumbing, you’re not supplying electricity to it. And you’re not doing logistics and don’t grow wheat. If there’s an issue with bread producers, you don’t get bread and you can’t do shit about it. There’s absolutely no difference between opening a shop and becoming an energy supplier.