Holy Jesus, that was hard to watch and hear and I am so glad he’s doing as well as he is.
Holy Jesus, that was hard to watch and hear and I am so glad he’s doing as well as he is.
Sometimes I question if Vince Russo is secretly working for this company, they make a lot of dumb mistakes like this…
This guy is something else, gets plastered by a chair and then appears to try and pick a fight with the security guy? He’s one of my all time what if’s in wrestling, what if he stayed clean, what if he had his anger under control, what if, what if, what if…
Do I need a Plex Pass AND a Remote Watch Pass?
No. To stream personal content remotely from a Plex Media Server, you only need one of the following:
The admin account for the Plex Media Server has an active Plex Pass Your account has an active Plex Pass Your account has an active Remote Watch Pass
From the blog post it looks like users that share should be fine so long as the server host has an active Plex Pass account. Link
TKO employs Dana White and Joe Rogan, that’s before you get to the McMahon-Helmsley Faction that pals around with Trump and is helping dismantle education in America. Nobody should be surprised at this, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Tate’s showed up at a TKO run show and were put on camera at this point.
Speaking to the education, it still boggles my mind that the Parents Television Council was kind of right, the McMahon’s were going to be harming children.
Sometimes the grass is greener because the other side has better fertilizer.
I hope Aleister talked with his wife and others who returned before he makes (or made) any decisions.
Jey Uso flat out burying Theory is horrible, not everybody can be at the top, but damn has Theory been horribly used. Then you have Uso doing the worst fucking spear on the planet followed by a Flop Dolla presentation… in the last year my man seems to have really lost something starting with the match against Jimmy.
John Cena is a menace and frankly I’m here for it. I’d be all for him taking out Cody, Cody has gotten so stale to me.
I like a good story with my wrestling and I used to sing the praise of the Game, but nope… he has really started burning through my good will towards his booking.
It appears to be device dependent, some have the initial online setup requirements, even the Community Forum on Roku’s site tells a poster they will need to setup with the internet connection and then can disconnect after setting it up.
Last post in this thread with a response by a former moderator.
You will need an internet connection and a Roku account to activate your Roku TV.
Once the activation is complete, you can disconnect from the internet and continue to use your TV
Specifically, it’s a whopping 102.614 GB.
It also isn’t too surprising as download sizes for “AAA” PS5 games nowadays are similar
I hate this sites clickbait titles. Then it clearly points out it isn’t really that “massive” and is similar in size to other modern games.
So… can somebody tell me what brought this one? This feels a lot like Bubba Ray putting out that tweet about “Just be a fan.”
The timing of this seems odd, I wonder who they will replace her with. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had her nostalgia glasses on when she took the gig and then being on the road reminded her maybe she just wants to do the shows close to home once a quarter with SNME.
This damn booking is going to make me crazy, a month to Mania and we are still moving titles around, WTF is Mania even for anymore?
Here I am hollerin’… cause I can hear ya.
I had an Uncle like this, fight, separate, get back together with the woman, repeat, the whole Ross and Rachel type thing, they did that until she died.
If it works out for them, good for them, but somebody out there was upset by this news because today TMZ says they had their vehicle stolen.
That’s been my only problem with the TNA deal, you pretty much know the outcomes. But, I agree they put out a good show tonight.
Damn, we’re on the slippery slope to Russoville aren’t we?!?
What the in the hell is going on with Triple H’s booking of Championships? Who changes titles on free TV a month before Mania, it just makes no sense to me. Let alone whatever the frack is happening with Cody and Rock-Cena.
Yet again, Toni and Mariah are mostly the only thing I’m looking forward to on an AEW PPV.
Swerve and MJF both need to win, IMO. Match of the night is likely going to be Ospreay and Fletcher. Omega while not necessarily my cup of tea all the time really needs to get back to being the central focus, Mox and friends just don’t do it for me, let alone with Edge of all people. I wouldn’t mind Christian walking away with the AEW Title for a brief period before just going back to being entertaining and not going for titles, although I wouldn’t mind him trying to cash in and getting chased off by a dinosaur.
That being said my ideal winning lineup for tonight…
$49.99 is still way too high to me, this economy already sucks, and WWE has really ruined the premium event pricing for me.
I am glad they are on Prime though, that’s going to be easier to do if I ever have the extra funds.
Shit, I hope they get that sorted out for him.
LAX was one of my favorite parts of TNA in the mid-late '00s once 3LK broke up and went to war with Konnan and he had them come in as backup. He may not have reached the top, but he was a top act in TNA’s real golden era.
This is a low quality video, but a classic from that early time that made me love LAX… it helps they were against AJ & Daniels.
Part 1
Part 2