
  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • Why won’t those people vote against the religious legislative class? Are they outnumbered?

    For a lot of people religion is like a salad bar or buffet, they pick and choose the parts they like and ignore the ones they don’t. That seems to extend towards their politicians, be my brand of religion and policy and I’ll let you do almost anything because at least you aren’t that other person.

  • If you live in a conservative run state, watch what they do, in Georgia on the final day of legislation they do “sine die” which we sometimes call sign or die day where they just push through a ton of shit with little or no going over it before hand, they passed one of these social media ID laws that targets porn too, and it went through without pretty much anybody knowing about it from what I can tell.

    What kind of database of depravity to use against you are these people building.

  • It’s possible that persons insurance is trying to weasel out of paying anything, we are supposed to carry insurance for this reason, but from personal experience, it sometimes fails for the victims.

    I have a sibling that was hit in the crosswalk by a person not paying attention, eye witnesses told them that, the police still let them go after getting the persons insurance info. My sibling now has a permanent limp and walks with a cane, their ambulance chaser type lawyer has been fighting with this person’s lawyers and their insurance for over 4 years, the eye witnesses have moved on making the fight harder, the woman changed her story multiple times, the lawyers keep hitting different angles trying to paint my sibling as going before the signal and thus at fault, in the end I don’t think the person will ever have to pay out, our system feels extremely broken for those without high dollar lawyers.

    I’d like to know why WWE/TKO doesn’t help, the cost of repatriation is a rounding error to the TKO budget, and it just feels like the right thing to do. I can’t imagine what her and her family are going through.

  • Oh no… WWE is following the playbook they use with most companies… WCW, then TNA during the Huksters prime time move, now AEW… it’s not out of the realm of possibility AEW does the same to WWE’s numbers, TK is a dirt sheet guy and dirt sheet guys love them some ratings.

    Seriously, WWE passing them along to friendly reporters is no different than some companies feeding the friendly journalists stories for their PR, it’s wrestling, this nutbaggery happens, it’s a carnival business.

    Ratings are still important to the TV industry, it’s how they set ad prices, which is how they make their money, they aren’t in the airing wrestling business, they are in the airing commercials business, never forget that, people may watch TV in other ways these days but most sports budgets come from these cable companies. WWE is the first to make a major leap to streaming but they kept relationships with USA and CW for now.

  • Spoiler Title

    BIG TNA SPOILER By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-13 17:02:00

    Jeff Hardy is expected to make his return to TNA this weekend, has confirmed with multiple sources.

    Jeff’s brother Matt stated on his podcast in May that Jeff’s AEW deal was up in June. We are not sure when it expired but were told today Hardy is TNA-bound.

    While it is not know what his role would be for Against All Odds and the subsequent TV taping, Hardy’s return will obviously give TNA a nice boost of energy.

    Against All Odds tomorrow is sold out. Saturday’s TV taping still has tickets available. Matt Hardy challenges Moose in the AAO main event.

  • Well, it certainly looks like everything that has been happening is just reorganization, which I’m glad if true, especially the part about the TNA Roster seemingly liking the new heads. I hate that reorganization of the company led to some major ousters and some general LOLTNA energy though.

    Of course this is “I read it on the internet, it must be true” kind of a thing though, I trust Mike Johnson more than most, but he’s still in the dirt sheet business.

  • Spoiler Title

    If he’s coming to TNA I hope it’s to cost Matt the title because he has no business being against Moose for the TNA Championship.

    That must have been a very expensive flop for TK, bring him in, buy the rights to the stock music, then he immediately shows he’s unfit to work and gets injured shortly thereafter. Hopefully he’s clean and can finish his career in short order healthy and semi-wealthy.