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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Simple, if any religion was true and objectively based in reality, why the fuck do they need missionaries to spread it?

    If any religion was true, it would have measurable, verifiable, and predictable traits that would be discovered in isolated societies. If all of mankind’s knowledge was erased, we would eventually rebuild our understandings of physics, biology, chemistry and mathematics as they are today. If all knowledge of religions were erased, we would never get the same religions back.

  • Important question : What geographical area are you in? Location matters for identifying the species and what you should do with it.

    Now for some actual info.

    Do not pickup wild birds, even fledglings or babies. Bird flu is running rampant right now, birds can have very nasty parasites on and in them. If you find a “naked” baby bird, it was probably ejected from the nest, this is natural. It is either sibling competition, or the parents downsizing because they can’t care for it. If it is feathered, then it is probably a fledgling that has left the nest normally and is learning to fly. You are not helping it by bringing inside. If the bird is in a dangerous place, like a road, use a stick, or cloth to move it to a safer location.

    Based on my area (Midwest US), this looks like a European starling. They are invasive in the US. A wildlife center is not going to take it (except maybe as hawk food).

  • It takes a lot of work and compromise. You are getting one glance at a lifetime.

    I got married sorta recently. My biggest hold-up was the fact that the most optimal outcome of marriage was this: I was going to spend the remainder if my life making them happy, always being there, and being an essential part of their existence, and when they need me most, in their golden days, near the end, they’re gonna have to hold my hand and watch me fucking die.

    I told them this before I proposed, and the crazy thing was, they were still all for it.

  • Bytemeister@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThat's 3 for 3
    4 days ago

    I think the fairest criticism of libertarianism is “If men were angels, no government would be necessary”.

    Like, I’m definitely level-headed and community aware enough to be a good libertarian, it’s all the other conceited assholes that need government to keep them from drinking and driving, shooting off fireworks in a field during a drought, feeding bears…etc etc.

  • Oh, they don’t want those services to go away, they just want them to become part of corporations so the efficiency of the free market and the power of consumer choice will lower costs and encourage competition!

    Just like healthcare, or airline deregulation did. Or pharmaceutical companies buying 100 year old mediations and jacking the price 2700% for “R&D”. So cheap, so efficient, with so little overhead. People just love the free market for essential services!

  • I remember CRTs being washed out, heavy, power hungry, loud, hot, susceptible to burn-in and magnetic fields… The screen has to have a curve, so over ~16" and you get weird distortions. You needed a real heavy and sturdy desk to keep them from wobbling. Someone is romanticizing an era that no one liked. I remember the LCD adoption being very quick and near universal as far as tech advancements go.