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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I forgot about my comment and just tried out Sync, and saw the replies…

    That’s great, though. This wasn’t my dream job, but I kind of fell into what I wanted to do along the way. It turns out that it’s very fulfilling and pays well. And I can’t think of anyone that is above me that I don’t like. No one has given me a reason to hate them, and I think they feel the same about me. The people that work for me like me, even though they’re constantly giving me shit

    I do like how this site (pretty much Reddit) acts like every employer is out to fuck them, and everyone is as miserable as they are.

  • I have a job I love 99% of the time. And I have hobbies. I worked really fucking hard to get to where I am. 80+ hour weeks for months at a time for years.

    We also have other younger guys come in, and some of them want to learn, and they go right on up the chain. Then, we have people that want things handed to them, don’t wanna do anything, and wonder why they’re not getting promotions. I’ve even given them incentives, raises, and tried to coach them on what they should do to meet a goal we both set. Some just want to point fingers and blame everyone else, and never take responsibility for their actions

    But we have more success stories than “failures.” It’s good company to work for.

  • I dont think whoever wrote this understands how power generation works. You don’t make more power than what is being consumed. On days when wind and solar a putting out good amounts of power, they idle down the gas a coal plants to a lower load.

    They can’t make excess power, so none of it goes to waste.

    Also, I work in the industry in plants around this area… They have been upgrading a lot of shit. And my base plant is actually part of a pilot program to fix a lot of the winter issues they had.

    One of the plants I worked in down in that area is relatively new, and it was only engineered for temps at 15 degrees F. It got down to -15 and was fine, thankfully.