You get the help you pay for. If a Smart Person has a choice between taking a job in the private sector and a job in the public sector, and the public sector isn’t competitive, then the people working for America are going to be the dregs that couldn’t get a private sector job.
Americans should want public servants to be smart and effective, and to get those people, you have to pay them.
A Meal Team Six joke that took the Capitol.
From the article: “It is unknown what DEFCON1 means.”
It means nuclear war is happening or is about to happen.
Nuclear. Goddamned. War.
Drive these nutbars into the sea and keep them there.
And another $5M comes in on the fundraising train.
In Putinist Russia, government fuck YOU!
peak leopards-ate-my-face here.
it’ll really Thai any two things together, that’s for sure.
The filament’s a week out of the vacuum sealed bag - other than running it through the dryer to be safe, how can I tell it needs to be dried?
Will run through the guide, thanks.