10/10 on the :jesse-wtf: scale.
Witnessing a historical run here.
8/10 on the :jesse-wtf:
This is like day 4 of the bug discourse. I’ve been lost then refound so many times I’m not sure where I am?
As a concept? Absolutely.
In it’s phrasing? No way. Lol.
10/10 on the :jesse-wtf: scale
God damn this is a BMF all-timer
I need to get a shock collar that zaps me every time I click the “view comments” button on reddit.
Great minds think alike :FrogPog:
Is there a capitalist Palestine sub i could join instead?
I’d assume /r/Isreal
The movie is, in my opinion, the best mainstream depiction of a leftist in film. It’s largely accurate (although I don’t think there was a shootout before the Chicago PD burned down the Panthers headquarters). However, the main notes that the film hits are accurate and it’s depiction of Hampton as a character/leader was great.
Couldn’t really disagree more. Maybe on communism, but not for socialism.
People who believe “real socialism/communism has never been attempted/achieved”
(This is an incredibly oversimplified version)
Good to know but what’s a Will Menaker, then? And what’s this guy have against people who listen to subreddits? This post confuses me.
How can you listen to a subreddit?
Hell yeah that’s one of the reasons why it’s great.
Soccer is the people’s game (but other stuff is cool too)
$825 a month on rent? Where in the world can you spend $825 on rent and make $100k at 25. The disconnect is unreal.
That movie sucked so fucking hard.
Imagine making Abbie fucking Hoffman say “The system is fine it’s just filled with bad people”. :agony-immense: