Active noise canceling is usually just white noise. I’m not aware of any noise canceling device that actually measures and responds to a specific frequency, and even then, the headphones may not be able to physically produce the frequency they need to cancel. You need legit hearing protection that physically dampens the sound. These are not partocularly expensive; you can get basic protection for $20, and more comfortable sets can be found for about $40. Earmuffs for shooting should work well.
Active noise canceling is usually just white noise. I’m not aware of any noise canceling device that actually measures and responds to a specific frequency, and even then, the headphones may not be able to physically produce the frequency they need to cancel. You need legit hearing protection that physically dampens the sound. These are not partocularly expensive; you can get basic protection for $20, and more comfortable sets can be found for about $40. Earmuffs for shooting should work well.