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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Why are “some” people applauding this?

    Lots of reasons. First and foremost mushrooms are pretty damn safe compared to doing cocaine, heroin, etc. Let’s face it, people are going to do something. Don’t play it is unnatural either when even animals in nature seek mind altering substances

    They are not without risk though as some people with latent schizophrenia can be triggered. I would never suggest doing psychedelics unless you have done them before. Yes, I realize that is a paradox.

    How can it be a positive thing?

    It is a positive thing if they think it is. That is the whole point and if you don’t think it is positive then don’t do it. If you read the article it has candid statements from people who do it. That is the answer you are not looking for.

    I am not sure I get what you are saying about getting drunk around children. I guess you have to be clearer. Is it okay to have just one drink with a child. What about two or three over the course of hours. What about getting blackout drunk. There is obviously a line somewhere there.

    Also it is important to note that many of the mushroom infused products being sold are not even illegal. You can buy them at the store. Your whole point about stigma kind of goes out the window considering this.

    Frankly, if you want to be critical this feels of marketing under the guise of a human interest story. If I sold mushroom infused products articles like this would definitely help my bottom line

    Claiming you will be downvoted is really cringe btw. I don’t typically down vote much but saying garbage like that sure does tempt me.

  • I totally agree that talking about the economy is just stupid. It has been a conservative talking point for decades now and is ridiculous to bring up for most of the reasons you cited.

    You can’t deny he tried to overthrow our rule of law. You seem to think he is so inept that if he tries again he will fail. This is akin to letting an arsonist play with fire in your house because last time he couldn’t keep the fire going.

    As I was explaining your privilege keeps you from seeing what it means to women to have a serial rapist in the white house. The kind of guy who jokes about sexual assaults and walks in on underage girls dressing just because he can.

    The damage has already been done and now it is insult to injury. It really is hard to describe a world to men where women live in constant fear of sexual violence. This is what having Trump as President means. Make no mistake that women are not the only group that will suffer.

    The psychological damage alone of having a abuser represent our country is a bridge too far. The damage his first presidency did will be felt for decades. Another will snuff out the dreams and desires of so many Americans along with emboldening the worst of our society.

    There is no comparison between a narcissist felonious rapist and our current VP. Like I was saying logically you can’t compare the two despite your attempts to. I really do think your take is pretty ridiculous.

    It is like you have already fallen for their shit rhetoric and now you have to fight to justify the garbage reasoning in your head.

    We are not voting for Trump, we are voting for his apparatus. Your belief he won’t go after women when his apparatus has already set their rights back several decades is ludicrous.

    I get you can’t blame Trump personally because he is self absorbed and incompetent. I generally agree. But just like with Reagan the president is just a figurehead and their mind can be completely gone because it is their apparatus that is really running things.

    This is the crux of the whole issue. If Trump is a figurehead what does he represent? What does Harris represent? Look at what they claim, say, and have done. If Harris is a soggy sandwich then Trump is two pieces of asphalt with a turd in between them.

    We can’t manage the damage and your resignation just shows you are unwilling to fight for what is right. When they are done othering everyone else who will defend you?

    Perhaps you are counting on your privilege to save you. Sounds like you may manage but millions of others whether it be the dreamers, LGBQ, transgender, POC, immigrants, Muslims, or women won’t be able to.

    All I really hear from you is, “I will survive another Trump presidency”. Well good for you, but you are missing the point.

  • Yeah it does sound like an apology. You sit here hemming and hawing over the two-sides of the same coin fallacy saying one is perhaps slightly worse than the other.

    You can’t even compare the two logically as candidates or human beings. I guess when you had a daughter who was raped and the police won’t take it seriously because of our fucked up culture it changes you.

    I won’t sit here and listen to a detached armchair comparison of the economic outlooks if one gets elected over the other. Like that is what even fucking matters and in fact plays into decades of bullshit rhetoric the right has been pushing. The conservatives have never been better with the economy and that is objectively verifiable.

    You pretend that Trump can’t break this country. That putting a buffoon in charge doesn’t denigrate our place in the world. That the women in our country will ever feel safe, that discrimination won’t reign supreme.

    You act like it is no big deal because you are privileged. You think it won’t affect you and you know the fucked up part. It may not.

    But it will affect a lot of others. People you probably don’t think about. If you did you wouldn’t be worried about the economics and status quo.

  • Well it looks like we can both agree that round 2 Fascist Trump Boogaloo won’t be a positive thing and will instead be profoundly negative.

    Let’s be clear your hope he won’t get anything real done is misplaced wishful thinking at best. Even if he can’t reach his goals he is an enormous piece of shit and those in his orbit that will be assisting him are often even worse.

    It is allowing life to be breathed into a astro-turfed political movement created by the wealthy to openly oppress our citizens.

    Stroking racial and gender divides does not settle tensions and instead ramps them up. Think about the next gay man who gets beat to death because of these bullshit culture wars. Think about the next young mother who dies because politicians are deciding their health options. Trump and his party own this shit.

    Trump winning will just be another misogynist dagger in half our population continuing to set back rights and progress. The example we are setting for our daughter’s by even allowing this man to run is disgusting.

    While I can appreciate your impartiality historians are not going to be half as kind as your are. In fact, I would say a lot of what you said felt more like an apology, giving the benefit of the doubt, and hand waving.

  • Did you forget about his last presidency? Millions of Americans dead, huge increase to our debt, economic crash, loyalty oaths, refusal to help half of Americans who did not vote for him, ridiculous nepotism, elimination of half of citizens bodily rights, selling national secrets to the highest bidder, pay for play schemes up the wazoo, more lies than every previous president in history combined, steady increase in right wing terrorism, constant never ending culture wars, refusal to listen or accept briefings from advisors, travel bans, trade wars, praising of dictators, alliances dismantled, attempted coup, politicizing vaccines, demonizing healthcare professionals, refusal to transfer power, and of course illegally profiteering from office.

    This list is nowhere near exhaustive and I think you may be wishfully naive in thinking he won’t accomplish anything. Well, more accurately, all his shit ass handlers will get project 2025 rolling. The top search result right now is pro project 2025 debunking the “myth” it would be bad for US citizens. You can’t make this shit up.

  • Cities, counties, and states are not monolithic entities. There is always a mix of competing interests. This means even in Seattle there are a lot of conservatives. These conservatives own a lot of capital.

    Trust me bro, it is most definitely a wedge issue for conservatives. I have been to tons of city and county meetings. It is not liberals calling to imprison the homeless. Guess who wins out. Fucking capital everytime.

    You ever had the chance to live in a rural area and hear what they think of homeless people?
    The right has been literally demonizing the homeless for thirty or more years now.

    They made homelessness a fucking partisan issue. You know about the bleeding heart liberals wasting money on drunks and drug addicts. Their messaging has always been clear, not in my back yard.

    The Democratic party is also no were near monolithic either. For sure there are some who blame homelessness on character defects or lack of ambition but the majority do not.

    Conservatives are a loud minority voice who have capital to back them up. It is amazing how the government bends over anytime “economic” interests come to play.

    This issue is really complex and owes a lot to a social contract we broke when we deinstitutionalized mental hospitals in the 50’s and 60’s.