It was about 58.500€ for long range dual drive, and as a business you got some incentives. And yeah…the advantages are slowly going away…but they are still there. Most of the time the supercharger are cheaper (like 0.34€/kW at a SC and 0.69€/kW at aral pulse or ionity.) And better positioned.
That’s what we are trying to do. But the fossil fuel lobby is still very strong and parties on the right are weaponizing every legal decision to polarise the people. Take the new (still in progress) german heating law for example; It wants to replace the installation of older oil/gas heaters with efficient heating pumps/district heating/hybrid (among other things, but that is the most important thing).
Populist media and right wing parties used this to stir up the people. (“the goverment is outlawing your heater, you need to replace it now or loose your home…” etc.) Simple stuff like that; but it’s working - the right is on the rise. And they are, of course, completely against man made climate change.