Ich hab mich immer gefragt, ob es Leute gibt, die diese Witzdinger tatsächlich kaufen. Offenbar ja 😁
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Ich hab mich immer gefragt, ob es Leute gibt, die diese Witzdinger tatsächlich kaufen. Offenbar ja 😁
I actually always deemed that a quality aspect. If those shitbags use tgram it has a reason. Sadly it’s not really great for the app itself. So he had to do something about it. IMHO the best compromise he could do other than just staying “the bad guy”.
Despite being us-american and from Zuckerberg, it’s an incredibly horrible app. I would not touch this shit with a 10m-pole. It might be e2e, but can I verify this in the source? Oh right.
Beating them on healthcare really isn’t something noteworthy. Probably even sealand has a better one 😁
I meant the restrictiveness towards governments. The pesos and Nazis fucked that up, tgram had to do something or have their ill repute grow even more.
In my line of voluntary work I’ve come across a car of a disgusting couple (a priest and his wife) that applied as a foster-home (right term? Not adopting but taking care of a kid until it is adopted) and got many kids all the time. They fed them bare minimum so they don’t starve, minimum on rags from local charity and treated them like utter garbage. And why? State pays per child in foster-homes. So kids have it well. They made a good living off of it and fed scraps to the orphans.
Oh and…they’re still free and doing it. Only one kid managed to flee but didn’t dare say something. They were, of course, bullied to STFU. Also nothing much would happen anyway. Child abuse is not so much of a bad thing here, law-wise. So it seems.
Homo homini Lupus est. I hate people.
That’s why everyone always beat me! I knew those dildos were cheating!
That too. Sadly the restrictiveness was badly abused. Noone really wonders but…that’s why we can’t have nice things.
You don’t say? A cloud-service I can access from all devices plus API and bots is not e2e-encrypted with zero knowledge? I’m shocked. That’s what “secret chat” is for. Literally.
They chose this way as the regular Joe and Jane don’t care for privacy but for comfort. You can never ever have both. Nowhere.
I love tgram for it being so open. And e2e when I need it. I don’t need privacy for when my smarthome sends me notifications about a light I left on or something 😁
When I was forced to, back in the day, it was a horror. I was literally the only one that hated it. Noone else saw it as “why does the state own me like a stick figure? I’m not some property to use as someone desires”. Everyone else loved the uniforms, the the shouting, the shooting (OK that was decent) and the marching through mud. “It forms character”… “It makes you a real man”…and crap like that.
Long memory short: abolish the draft. Also: not everyone is enjoying it and just a prisoner that has no option.
Sure they are. But considering that my car costs 7000 more since I bought it 2yrs ago, I’d say fuck you manufacturer. Take the extra profits you make, for no other reason than greed, for that. They will survive.
How about a cheaper and easier solution? Get a fingerprint sensor, use this one to unlock the database each time you use it. Fast, comfortable, secure. Got mine directly beside the keyboard.
That shit saved my car’s ass at least 2 times and ours once. Never interfered in normal driving (I’m no agressive driver though). This should definitely be forced upon manufacturers. But without relaying the cost onto the consumer.
How dare you? We have a rich and colorful ancient history of dozens of years. Dozens I say!
That was really dumb, even for this egocentric man-child-attention-whore.
First off. Thanks for the detailed answer. You really care about topic.
Second. I might be entitled, as I’m a capitalist that greatly profits from this sick system. That said, not all capitalist countries treat their vulnerable in bad condition. I don’t need to work so I do work voluntarily with people who are either mentally or physically handicapped. And we (no, I’m surely no murican) actually do a lot for those. Could always be way more, but…
So to your point: I didn’t really wanted to paint the USSR badly. I’m sure they had it great. Kinda like our GDR (east germany) before we assimilated them, I assume. I would actually prefer such a system again, even though it totally would not be to my benefit. I have ex-ussr and ex-gdr friends and they unisono miss the old times. It wasn’t perfect, but better than today’s shitholes.
Long story short. You’re right, I stand corrected and educated.
1990-2020 I can really see. 2050 not so much. But it will be less cars as poorer people, or people who only buy dumb cars will be left out. The good old mechanic things that last forever with good care are over. Now good luck to get a 7000,- cockpit replacement for your 15yrs old electric vehicle. Oh right, who cares, batteries are already borked.
Really depends on where. Computer with touch? Nope. Car? Nope. Phone? Both please. Tablet? Yes. Any kitchens appliance? Hell no.
I absolutely love tech shit and touchscreens and LEDs and…I’m a total nerd for many decades now. But in a car? I fucking hate it. I want haptic buttons. Period. My previous car was totally digital, I was weak, with complete digital cockpit and no fucking haptic buttons. I hated this car once the wow-factor wore off quickly. Sold it and got myself a tiny compact car with just android auto for navigation. The rest is haptic buttons. Basically no car above entry or compact level is like that anymore. I fear the future…
Except the latter part,yes totally. But if I would prefer vagrancy, so why not? Everyone should do as they please. Although I never heard of someone willingly choosing vagrancy, but there sure are.
Hm why? I use mediamonkey and a phone. How could anyone beat this with some hardware device I have to pay extra AND carry with me. In 2000, hell yes. But with Rockbox please.but even then I had one with…Rockbox. I fail to see the point of such a device at all. Nowadays.