• 37 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • there are some good guys out there

    I know that. But it’s just a general rule at this point: I just don’t give money. It’s rarely satisfying to give money (and yes, the person doing the donation needs to feel good doing it too) and I just don’t want to find out who deserves to get mine and who doesn’t. I understand your sentiment too, but that’s my personal rule. One has to draw the line somewhere: I’m not Mother Theresa and I reckon I contribute more than the average person to my local community. But I’m also free to donate what I want to donate, and money isn’t part of what I want to donate.

  • I’m a programmer. I have created, maintained and contributed to many open source projects over 40 years. That’s my donation.

    I never give money: I give my time - like for example I’m a volunteer at our local association for the blind - and I give non-commercial things like my blood, used clothing, used toys or food. And to repay the other developers whose work I enjoy everyday, I donate code that I strive to make as good as possible.

    The reason I never give money is because the money - part or all - invariably ends up in someone’s pocket other than the intended recipient. When it’s legal, it’s called “overhead”. Still, legal or not, and justified or not, I’m not interested in paying for that.

  • Nah… It’s not a matter of embarrassing the company, it’s out of decency for the people who work(ed) there. There’s stuff like “This shit is why Stu was fired - Phil” or “Best leave this out of the repo for now as I don’t want to be included in the next round of downsizing - Tom” this would make Stu, Phil and Tom look bad and possibly hurt their careers. And it would advertise that whoever prepared this ZIP file for me didn’t bother sanitizing company confidential information out of it, possibly putting their job on the line too.

    The code is GPL, and I consider the git history part of the code. The rest is inappropriate and potentially hurtful to people who didn’t do anything to deserve grief.

  • Conclusion of this thread:

    It took a mightly long time, but the company eventually coughed up the source code. They sent me a big ZIP with an large git repo full of uncommitted changes and a bunch of comments and temp files that really shouldn’t leave the company 🙂 Clearly some engineer just zipped up the local repo on his hard disk without doing any cleanup.

    So they complied with the GPL in the end. Just the bare minimum - i.e. providing the source code on request and nothing mode. I wish they put it up in their Github but they don’t want to do that apparently. I’ll clean up the embarrassing files and comments and put it up in mine.

  • Privacy used to be priceless. It still is for my generation. I work my ass off to maintain my privacy, which is harder and harder in this increasingly dystopian world, and I lose out on more and more services and conveniences everybody else enjoys as a result. But privacy is non-negociable for many people my age.

    For younger folks, sadly they were born in the dystopia - or an early version of it - and they never lost the privacy they never had. For a lot of younger folks, not enjoying true privacy is their normal. Many of them are waking up to the obscenety of what Big Data does to all of us, but of course it’s harder to wake up than to resist someone trying to put you to sleep.

    And finally, the assault on privacy is so relentless and comes from actors with so much more clout and resources that many simply give up, because it’s just too much. I’m one of those who refuse to drive and take the bus because cars nowadays put their owners under surveillance. But most people are not willing to accept that level of loss of quality of life and it’s fully understandable.

  • Well I’ve only given Neovim a spin for a few hours, but it’s been nothing but an exercise in frustration. Yeah syntax off works in vanilla nvim, but it’s replaced by treesitter commands if treesitter is enabled. And treesitter is really, really invasive and aggressive when it comes to highlighting and transparently rewriting what’s on the screen.

    So basically, without treesitter, it’s like vim, only more annoying to configure because init.lua is wildly inconsistent. With treesitter, it breaks my workflow at best (but I suppose I could get used to it) and it silently modifies what I see on the screen vs what I’m actually editing at worst, which is a hard no-no for me.

    I think maybe if I configured treesitter from the ground up, I could manage to make it leave my text alone, keep the regex-based syntax highlighting which suits me just fine, and only make treesitter suggest things - which is the only feature I wanted to try Neovim for really. But it’s just not worth the incredimazing complication. I’ve survived just fine without smart hinting from vi for decades, so I can easily do without it.

    But hey, thanks man 🙂

  • Okay so…

    I reinstalled Neovim 11 from scratch. ~/.config/nvim/ is empty:

    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “test:<ENTER”: Neovim inserts a tab.
    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “:se noautoindent” (or “:se noai”) then “test:<ENTER>”: Neovim inserts a tab - i.e. Neovim ignores noautoindent
    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “:se indentexpr=” then “test:<ENTER>”: Neovim does NOT insert a tab: that works!
    • I put “se indentexpr=” in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, start “nvim Makefile”, type “test:<ENTER”: Neovim inserts a tab - i.e. it ignores the statement in init.vim. But it doesn’t ignore other statements in init.vim: if I put “se bg=light” in it for instance, the background does indeed show up as light.

    So it seems the crux of the issue is that init.vim isn’t parsed properly.

    EDIT: but putting “filetype indent off” in ~/config/nvim/init.vim seems to do the trick. Thanks for the hint! This is a lot more complicated than it needs to be 🙂

    EDIT #2: “:syntax off” doesn’t turn off the syntax either. Well, I’ve had enough. Back to plain old vim…

  • I tried issuing the commands inside Neovim itself, just in case it was a configuration loading issue. They don’t do anything. It’s maddening.

    If you want to reproduce it, open a Makefile type a target, ENTER, and no matter what any autoindent setting is set to, the next line is indented by one tab, as if writing the recipe for that target. Nothing I do by hand, inside Neovim, after it’s loaded and ready to use, will change that.