So I beat the campaign as a Druid. There is some growing pain and I had a hard time getting my build to work in the earlier levels. The major issue being my aoe could destroy mobs but my single target damage was extremely low and bosses and elites would give me trouble.
I think some of that comes from naturally being drawn to wolf and bear skills which arguably aren’t that great for single target damage but are the more interesting skills to use. Higher levels and landslide wreck bosses though.
Now I’m around level 33 with a necromancer and honestly I can see why people are hating on the Druid. Necromancer feels way more powerful at both AOE and single target damage.
TLDR; In my opinion play what’s fun to you. The Druid is still a lot of fun and I’m sure there will probably be some nerfs and buffs soon.
That’s if you can survive long enough to spend them. My Druid was finnaly starting to feel good. Now I can’t even stay alive in the helltide.