• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • The kitty graphics protocol lets you send images to display in the terminal. I had a play around with it trying to make a similar GUI. The big gotcha is text rendering. You can either stick to normal grid aligned monospace, or I think you could maybe use a texture atlas, but it’s not going to be very efficient at all. I haven’t got as far as trying that though.

    The videos… while they work are probably uncompressed video which is only going to work well over a very fast network.

  • Yeah I have yet to really use Deno in anger because so many people are like “but Python exists!” and unsurprisingly we now find ourselves with a mess of virtual environments and pip nonsense that has literally cost me weeks of my life.

    Though if you’re using Numpy that source like “proper work” not the infrastructure scripting we use Python for so I probably would go with Rust over Deno. I don’t know of mature linear algebra libraries for Typescript (though I also haven’t looked).

    IMO probably the biggest benefit of Rust over most languages is the lower number of bugs and reduced debugging time due to the “if it compiles it probably works” thing.

  • that’s a tough sale to the product team

    Sounds like you’re not the boss enough!

    I agree Rust has a pretty steep learning curve so it’s definitely reasonable to worry about people learning it, especially existing employees. Though I don’t really buy the “easier to hire people” argument. There are plenty of Rust developers actively looking for Rust jobs, so I suspect you get fewer candidates but the ones you do get are higher quality and more interested.

    But anyway I don’t think that argument holds for Deno. Typescript is in the same difficulty league as Python. Anyone that knows Python should be able to transition easily.

  • I’ve literally never heard anyone say that

    Well you didn’t listen then. Google the phrase.

    I can tell you’ve literally never even tried this…

    I do not need to try it to know that this is fundamental impossible. But I will try it because you can go some way towards proper type knowledge without explicit annotations (e.g. Pycharm can do this for Python) and it’s better than nothing (but still not as good as actual type annotations).

    It’s also much more readable than bash, python, javascript, etc. so writing a readable (and runnable everywhere)

    Bash definitely. Not sure I’d agree for Python though. That’s extremely readable.

  • You’re talking about rails.

    Maybe other Ruby code is better, but people always say Rails is the killer app of Ruby so…

    Use an IDE like I said and you can literally just “Find all usages” or “Jump to declaration”, etc.

    That only works if you have static type annotations, which seems to be very rare in the Ruby world.

    In any case, you shouldn’t be using any of these for large projects like gitlab, so it’s completely inconsequential.

    Well, I agree you shouldn’t use Ruby for large projects like Gitlab. But why use it for anything?