It starts with the non-citizen kids. Then the queer kids get put into conversion therapy camps.
It starts with the non-citizen kids. Then the queer kids get put into conversion therapy camps.
Shows up for me there too. 🤷
This has been a very long-standing policy of theirs going back to when they were a little company in Seattle.
But capitalism takes away any possible benevolence.
What do you mean? There is an image.
Well for example, all of the sexual (and other) violence in the 24-Hour Diner part of The Sandman takes on a very different connotation now. Because now I know he’s responsible for such things. He was writing from experience.
I speak only in great truths.
One of those truths is that two string quartets have thought it was a good idea to cover that song.
The correct number, incidentally, is zero string quartets.
I’m sure it was just a recording, but I was terrified of the idea that you could pick up a phone and talk to Ronald. And I wasn’t a kid who was afraid of clowns or anything.
It doesn’t help that it looks creepy as fuck.
Seconded on saying you should check it out. And Tony never missed an excuse to make an innuendo, which was always wonderful.
People lost every photo they have of their parents.
People lost every precious thing from their childhood and every family heirloom.
Some people lost their lives.
This guy lost some paintings and gets a NY Times article for it.
I mean I figured that out when they said Fall Out Boy.
Plus, why would listen to that version when The Hoff did a version? (It is also awful, but I mean that’s obvious. It’s David Hasselhoff.)
The same stuff that stops their burgers and fries from ever decomposing, I guess. PFAS?
So many people hate the augment episodes and I just don’t know why. I thought it was a brilliant solution to the Klingon differences thing.
He just needs the sun. He’s like a plant apparently.
She was married to him and enabled him.
Maybe. All I know is that Billy Joel and his crew didn’t.
I remember when I was a kid in the 80s, some McDonald’s had a yellow phone which you could pick up and “talk to Ronald.” I was terrified of the idea.
It’s all worth it for the final season which is basically one long TOS tribute (except for the last episode which is one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever).
Not in my headcanon. The Koala undid it.
I read an anecdote where Lovecraft went on some sort of antisemitic rant only to be gently reminded by his wife who he married. I guess he was an equal opportunity bigot.