• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • A minority Ubisoft investor (…) noting that Ubisoft’s share price has fallen by over 40% since last year. Accordingly, Krupa wants the board to “take Ubisoft private or allow it to sell to strategic investor”

    Looks to me as if someone wanted a fast lever and with that failing now they’d like to sell ASAP


    AJ Investments appear to be new kids on the block as Ubisoft minority shareholders. According to Krupa, “we started our Ubisoft position couple weeks ago and are still adding to it”. They do, however, boast of their “extensive knowledge about the gaming industry” after being a “long-term shareholder in Activision Blizzard”.

    "We cannot understand the decision-making process of current management


  • what happened is the programmer made assumption based on the illusion created by the libraries: writing application on arduino is just like using a library on a unix-box. (which is not correct)

    That is why I have become carefull to promote tools that make things to easy, that are to good at hiding the complexity of things. Unless they are really dummy-proof after years and decades of use, you have to be very carefull not to create assumptions that are simply not true.

    I know where you’re coming from. And I’m not saying you’re wrong. But just a thought: what do you think will prevail? Having many people bash together pieces and call in someone who understands the matter only about things that don’t. Or having more people understand the real depths?
    I’m afraid that in cases where the point is not to become the expert, first one will be chosen as viable tactic

    Long time ago we were putting things together manually crafting assembly code. Now we use high level languages to churn out the code faster and solve un-optimalities throwing more hardware at the problem until optimizations come in in interpreter/compiler. We’re already choosing the first one