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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Would like to see some mad reimagining of the FPS genre, wouldnt be too hard, keep the fps type progression, unlocks and perks and whatnot, replace the guns with an array of cameras, DSLRs/2000s digitals/ polaroids, set it in a mad anime type crazy world or somethin. Then objectives can be nature photography or still lifes or food porn or maybe even PI work like be on a stakeout.No guns all shooting is done through a lens lol. Id play it.

  • Sirloin or rump, I dont really mind gotta be cooked just right, room temp slab of meat, ten mins before it hits the pan, bathe it in some good quality olive oil. Give it a nice little massage. Then get the pan real hot, full burn, usual salt and black pepper, coarse grind setting and slap that bad boy on there for about 2 mins. Dont touch it only apply some light to medium pressure to get a nice sear, stay on full burn, dance to that sizz. Flip over can do 1 min for rare, 2 mins for med rare, then I grab it and sear the sides off a bit then stick it on a plate to rest for 5 mins. Usually have fried onions mushrooms and if im feelin fancy, some fried asparagus, tastes real good cooked in the steak juices and on the verge of gettin charred. Usual chips or whatever to go with, but the steak is the star of the show.