US-licensed lawyer, pursuing criminal defence practice in Metro Vancouver, BC. He/him.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Right on, all of that makes sense. The issue with #2 is that when I went to Kbin mags via Lemmy, the upper-right menu continued to give a “Subscribe” option (instead of “Unsubscribe” for my subbed Lemmy communities). But I think that might have happened when I’d visit some Lemmy subs as well. Either way, it’s early days, and this is a great new Fediverse app that I plan to use a ton. Thanks again!

  • Solid start! Questions re subscribed communities:

    1. Does Connect only display 10 communities under “subscribed” in the left-hand menu? There are a LOT of subscribed communities missing from mine. (Also, I believe that only communities from my home instance are showing up, but not 100% sure of that.
    2. Does Connect understand subscriptions to Kbin magazines that one subscribes to thru Lemmy? I don’t think it recognizes my Kbin magazine subs, but I may be wrong.

    Either way, this strikes me as an improvement over Jerboa, so I will be using it. Thanks for your hard work on this!

  • I have an ebike that comes with a rear light affixed permanently to the rear of the frame. I think it would be more trouble than it’s worth for a thief to steal, since it’s wired to the electronic components and the connector is not situated in an obvious spot.

    But I still get nervous about leaving the bike unattended for too long, lest someone get any ideas. Heck, someone actually broke into my storage locker a couple of weeks ago and just broke the affixed front light off my bike, not to steal it but just to be a dick. (They’d probably have taken the bike itself if I’d left the battery on it.) So now I use an old strap-mounted front light.

    All this to say, I think the advantages of strap/clip-mounted light outweigh the advantages of an affixed one. But YMMV.