“continue using Windows 10 forever” was never a viable long-term strategy.
“continue using Windows 10 forever” was never a viable long-term strategy.
This was the first Ubisoft game I bought since black flag. And I agree. Absolute borefest.
I just use xmanager. Hopefully my streams still count and the artists gets their half a cent.
But lidarr also works for torrenting.
The reason we haven’t burt it down is because the ones in power are really good at making the ignorant masses hate each other. Even during covid people were pissed off that unemployed people were getting a little extra help, when business owners were raking in PPE loans. Instead of focusing that anger where it really belongs. Half the country hates minorities and trans people, the other half hate maga. When instead, we should all be focusing on the bezos and musks and guillotines.
Are they happy humanity is gone? Or are those children bugs playing on a leaf about to get vaporized?
20+ years ago I was told I’d have a $20 co pay by the Dr, and was billed almost $300. Because I didn’t get pre approved to see an ear Dr. Insurance has been shit my entire life.
From a quick googlebthe dollar inflation is up 33% since 2014. The lowest increase is 67%.
I also sae this one recently about freeze dried treats.
Is that the boss on the roof top? If so that’s where I stopped. The counter system I still wasn’t good with and you can’t level grind to make it easier like most of the souls games.
And here I thought faux news came up with that bullshit.
Not a great intersection, but its got to be a 25mph speed limit. And 15 before the T intersection. Should probably have some speed bumps on the road to keep people from speeding which is probably what the actual issue is. Also a flashing yellow might be a good idea especially at night.
Yes. Get your car towed by police and you have probably a $200 tow fee. (This was 20 years ago, I’m sure it hasn’t got better). Want your car back pay the fee. Can’t pay it today? 25 per day storage upcharge. Gets so expensive its not worth getting it back? It now belongs to the tow company.
Edit: you usually also have to pay your ticket or whatever for the police to even allow the tow company to release the car. Pretty much ensuring if you’re poor and don’t have an expensive car it’s cheaper to just buy a new one then try to get your property back.
This happened to me when I was like 20. A photo radar ticket I forgot about and didn’t pay ended up with a suspended license. Pulled over, car towed, $600 in tickets plus tow company fees I lost my car.
Also happened that another car was stolen. At work when it was found, so they towed it. Cost to get my stolen car back was more than it was worth. It was probably a $500 car. Old Honda accord.
Same. I will make sure I vote in the midterms and in 4 years. But I can’t take another 4 years of being bombarded with trump and musk shit.
I’m also not a fan of poker. Picked it up after game awards and have been loving it.
You’re in for a treat. AWE is the best part of the game.
I used to do that. Epic refused to play nice with my VPN forcing me to constantly re login with their crappy fucking captchas. The store was so annoying to use it wasn’t worth dealing with for free games, certainly made sure I’d never spend money there.
Nintendo has billions of dollars to sue you into oblivion even if you’re legally in the clear.
Big mama VPN. Never heard of them.
I feel like I’m the target audience for this and I have no interest. Ive bought every PlayStation, including the PS4 pro, though I did wait for the 3 to hit $400. I’ve had ps+ since the PS3.
I still have plus until july as I’d always buy a year or 2 on black friday sales. They’ve jacked the price of plus so much that I’m very unlikey to renew now. And $700 for the pro is fucking stupid. If the PS6 continues on this trend, I might just be completely done with them even though I really do like the exclusives.
There’s a serious lack of good vampire games. Hope this is good, not sure how I feel about the time mechanic. Playing metaphor now, which has a similar mechanic, and honestly not really a fan.