Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Donald Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Is this AI?
Trump looks slim, that bowl looks…weird…and Uncle Ben’s finger looks to be bent at a very uncomfortable angle.
Authentic MexiCan™️ cousine.
Canadian bacon ranchero breakfast burrito.
Poutine nachos.
Fuck man. I’m down.
What else does Canada have? I’m already sold on the whole idea.
TIL Spez’s real name.
Fuck /u/Spez
Unless he legally changed his name, like Zoid Kirsch. Then I’d be saying don’t dead name. Even for /u/Spez. Zoid is cool people.
Parts of it. For now.
Humans can be incredibly resourceful if they fucking try.
I don’t know if it’s learned helplessness, complete ignorance, entitlement, narcissism, or some combination therein…but man, it bugs me when people can’t figure out a simple problem.
“Deemphasize prosecution of white-collar crimes”.
Alright so basically 2008 was a practice round and now we are really planning to make the worlds banks collapse in on their collective greed. Cool.
Ba da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da
Ba da da da da
He’s a little lad who loves berries and cream.
I’d say “that’s the point” if this was put out by modern media…both sides are doing this to build engagement and support. That is, writing about something, but hiding the fact that it’s nothing. They take a small fact that on its own is true…but is really quite unimportant to the larger question. They then build up on that one small fact and make it out to be a smoking gun.
They may even leave out completely relevant facts. Like in this article it says “Monsanto pledged to not commercialize the seed,” but doesn’t mention the UN COP8 moratorium on them.
But the other thing is…op posted this from a college website, possibly because they think it’s an academic paper…but it’s not. It’s a summary of case studies in from their CONS200 “Foundations of conservation” program.
Nobody does deadpan like us.
If they only knew.
Bunch of NIMSS types on the right. Doubt they’d go for “far-field nuclear”
Now, something like “Ultra far east super nuclear warhead”…that might work.
They don’t know or care what DEI is. They just know that white men like themselves now have to compete with non-white non-men for jobs.
So now they have to make themselves marketable, or shut that whole thing down so they can go back to living in the boys club. And since self-improvement is “woke”, they choose the latter.
They get it fed to them during their 2 Minutes Hate and that’s all that matters.
It used to be Antifa. They were staunchly against antifa. You know what you call someone who is anti-antifa? Fa. You call them fa.
You joke but now I’m designing an autonomous miniature dildo inspired by a fish and powered by AI.
I just got “Aykshually’d” by an AI.
You reminded me me of when I was going through my dystopian fiction phase of reading the first time…I had a big stack of said novels to buy at Barnes and Noble.
They asked if I wanted to sign up for their loyalty card and I was so taken aback. Like…no…I do not want to be in your list.
I’ve been seeing it all over Bluesky…
I keep trying to tell myself not to panic every time I think about draining out all my bank accounts. But at some point I should panic, right?