• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Nope, what Prussia_X86 said sounds very much like homophobia. They won’t serve his flamboyant fiance because he looks and acts “gay”, and if they knew that Prussia_X86 was gay they wouldn’t serve him either. While not all gays are as flamboyant as that his fiance sounds like, plenty are, and while not all flamboyant men aren’t gay (or even attracted to men among other genders), a good chunk are. There’s a reason a lot of people assume that flamboyant men are gay, and it’s because a lot of them are.

  • FE is just rebranded RF. RF comes from the words “Redstone Flux” an energy source that was mainly used by Thermal Expansion 3. TE1&2 used MJ, but that has fallen out of use completely. FE stands for Forge Energy and is practically identical to RF apart from being baked into the Forge modloader, and was introduced in 1.12, where as RF was introduced back in 1.6, before RF was spun out into its own mod.

    And a lot of mods use one or the other behind the scenes while renaming the front-facing energy system to something more thematically appropriate, which is what IE does with its IF. Immersive Flux is just a different brand of RF, which in turn is just another way of saying FE. Think of it like bottled water.

  • Oh look, you stumbled on to the point. Valve would benefit from making a more console-like pc (a la the steam boxes from yesteryear) because it could get more people into the valve ecosystem. There are people who buy consoles simply because they offer the simplicity of buying a prebuilt thing that you don’t need to fudge around with and comes integrated with everything you need to run the games.