• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When I’m really struggling it’s annoying to have people call me strong or resilient. I mean technically I am strong but it feels like a curse. I don’t want to be strong. I want it to be easier.

    The worst one, though, THE WORST, is when they say “I don’t know how you do it/live like this.”

    Uuuuhhhh, if I had a choice I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t do it. I have no choice. The only way out is through.

  • This week is the first week I’ve felt halfway close to being a human being in a really long time. My rTMS treatment for depression is finally starting to kick in. This is my 3rd round now and each time I see significant improvements, but they only last 4ish months and I relapse horrifically after.

    My most recent relapse lasted 3ish months while I was scrambling to get treatment (and an unsuccessful Ketamine trial). I finally found a hospital willing to treat me, and also give me maintenance treatments so hopefully I don’t relapse again.

    It’s just been hell for a while. Last weekend I finally felt the gears in my brain “click”. I am capable of experiencing positive emotions again. I still feel emotionally dead a lot of the time, but at least I don’t want to die anymore (for now).

    It feels good to not be in excruciating pain. It feels good to have less disordered thinking. I look back and it feels like I was a different person, I don’t even understand or recognize that person.

    Anyways, I’m just… Trying to take a breather. Trying to fully experience the moment. I don’t know how things will go in the long term, but I know the next couple of months will continue to be livable. Trying to be grateful for that, and not think too much about what comes next.

  • Now I have depression so it’s slightly different than a physical disability, but I have been on disability for 2 years and some days am completely debilitated.

    The biggest thing that helps me is just meeting myself where I am, and accepting and working with my restrictions rather than fighting them. One example is I try to make meals for my boyfriend and I since I’m not working right now. But for the last couple of months I’ve been extra sick and so groceries go bad in the fridge, I eat nothing or trash or order in which is super expensive.

    And finally I decided to stop forcing myself to cook only to fail, and now I buy tons of preprepared foods and meal replacement powders. It’s not as healthy as home cooked, but it’s better than McDonald’s or chips, and I don’t spend as much money ordering delivery.

  • Thank you so much. I feel your big hug and it’s appreciated. I do have a therapist I see for my depression and ptsd. I will definitely talk about this with her.

    Your empathy stretches beyond even the topic at hand. You hit the nail on the head when you say that suffering added on to existing suffering makes everything more complicated.

    If I were mentally healthy right now I think I would process my sexual identity more easily. But for 3 years I’ve been struggling with annihilating depression.

    Writing this is also a helpful reminder that I’m not in the best spot to figure it all out right now, and that I don’t have to. I can sit with these somewhat complicated feelings for now and wait for when I’m healthier to open the box. At least I’ve acknowledged the box for now, instead of shoving it in the closet (har har).

    Thank you again for your empathy and kindness. Really.

  • the attention visibly queer and visibly trans people get, at least in my experience, is negative - who gets up in the morning seeking that?

    You articulated this particular piece so well for me. I think I’m also struggling because I don’t WANT to be queer. Between the mental health issues and the race and gender and and and I just… I didn’t want to be bi on top of that. This isn’t fun for me. I don’t want one more thing my family is going to invalidate and judge me for. I didn’t want to recognize my suffering on yet another thing.

    But people (especially younger people) around me are getting more vocal and comfortable with their sexuality and I was watching Atypical where this teenager was discovering she was bi and I just hit this wall. I had to skip the scene because I couldn’t bear to hear her say, “I’m bi.” It just… Hurt. I both envied her and felt shame I wasn’t her. But it wasn’t the same 15 years ago when I grew up. (which just makes me feel stupid again. 15 years ago is bootycheeks compared to 50 years ago)

  • The most refreshing thing here has been to be able to respond and be backed up in my response.

    Personally the most demoralizing thing about having the conversation taken over is often not being able to respond/take it back. At first I was afraid to say that this is just one more example of white people main character syndrome, because I was like, ugh, I’m going to get a bunch of comments of how I’m the actual racist one for generalizing all white people.

    The justaskingquestions crowd makes me feel crazy for getting upset, and then villanizes me for being the upset one. But obviously I’d get more upset than them, they’re the ones erasing me.

    So normally I just slink away from these places, whether it’s online, or my (supportive) boyfriend’s shitty white family, or my uni alum groups, or my workplace. And that’s the most demoralizing part, that they can say whatever they want and I have no recourse other than to leave.

    So it means a lot to me that I don’t have to leave here. That I can say my piece and have it backed up by the mods, not bullied & downvoted into submission.

    I genuinely support people asking in good faith. Some white people just don’t understand and they want to. But by the 2nd or 3rd response it’s very clear which are in good faith and which are simply camouflaging their intolerance. So thank you for shutting the latter down.

  • I’ve talked about it a bit with my boyfriend. It’s just hard to talk about it. It’s kind of a new realization for me even though I’ve known it in the back of my mind all along.

    And I just can’t help but feel stupid and small for it. Like, “What’s the point? You’re in a straight monogamous relationship. Why are you so attention seeking? Just move on with your life.”

    I think I’m the one who needs to accept myself, not other people, reading that last paragraph back to myself lol. I think I’m scared to be bi in a straight monogamous relationship.