LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]

I want Communism to happen so everyone can have a good time.

  • 31 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2021


  • Not everyone has SSDs, not everyone has 2+ TB of storage, and even if that were true you shouldn’t have to ship your entire studios development server to your customer. A game shouldn’t be bigger than 50 GBs (Yes that even includes Elden Ring). That’s the limit. I can always go online and download more RAM, but I cannot download more storage space. We live in an age where code can be hyper optimized both by humans engineers as well as their thinking machines. Fuckin’ make your games smaller and run better.

  • I always think about how obesity creates a negative chain reaction in health outcomes, and then I think about how America’s healthcare system is nothing but a network of negative chain reactions. It doesn’t take much political theory to understand it’s unsustainable.

    The thing I find must upsetting about obesity in America is that it’s a considered a failure on the Indvidual (like everything is) and because of that they don’t deserve help. The popular response and institutional response to obesity is literally just “Go on a diet Fat-ass!”. That’s it. i-love-not-thinking It’s an iron-clad thought-terminating cliche i-love-not-thinking. They’re fat, they’re fat because they ate too much, it’s their problem, go the gym loser. I don’t need to empathize with them at all because they did it to themselves. Boom! Done!

    You don’t have to do any more investigation or thought on why a nation-wide issue exists. It’s their fault because they are bad people. Of course, the same applies to just about every major public social issue in America. Especially Poverty and Addiction. It’s the same logic chain for people. It’s a “you” problem, and it won’t happen to them because “I’m special, I’m built different, I’m uniquely blessed to overcome the hardships of my fellow man” (NOTE: You are in fact not built different.)

    It’s so stupid that Amerikkka cannot even parse the idea of public health. It’s truly one of the most vile morally bankrupt nations in history.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.nettitle
    4 days ago

    Dudes have such cool names.

    • Oswald
    • Zephyr
    • Kai
    • Otis
    • Bodhi
    • Lucian
    • Kwame
    • Ichiro
    • Thaddeus
    • Brick
    • Timur
    • Miroslav

    Dudes have cool names if they have the courage. Trans men have such a unique opportunity to be rad as hell. Not to be sexist, but I think the fellas have some sick names across cultures.

  • That we’ll never see liberation as long as a fraction of us continue to aspire to the capitalist’s brass ring.

    Bars. I wish more black people understood that. It’s so frustrating to know that so many people don’t want to get ride of the misery machine, they just want a black face on it. Which is almost understandable to me for a particular subset of black people, I don’t know the age cohort name or whatever but black people who came of age in 60’s and 70’s and even the 80’s. I feel like those people have this weird blend of earnest liberalism, where they believe the all of the whooie of the DNC subsuming/consuming the post civil rights era momentum.

    I feel like a lot of those people believe in a DNC that simply does not exist anymore. Perhaps they saw it be real for a moment in time, but that party (or that idea of a party) is utterly not real anymore. The DNC has done nothing but fail upwards with a large section of black people of that age cohort. It really just bums me out that to think they are sticking with a political organization that failed them and will turbo fail their children and grandchildren. Like the article says, they turn a blind eye to both record and rhetoric.

    There is no black business that will liberate us, there is no black enterprise that will elevate us, and we are no taller when we try to exploit each other like the capitalist class. A lot of the “vote blue maga” types talk about it’s important for black people to “be in the room” or “be in the halls of power”, but never really question what that rooms is for or what those halls of power are doing.

    Also Forever keep posting Black Agenda Report. They aren’t the perfect journalism group but they are one of the least OG real ones.

  • The social and cultural ascension of particular type of talented tenth black liberalism is going to send me into Arkham asylum. It’s so frustrating that these types of black liberal are smart of enough to understand what’s going on, but lack the fortitude to step beyond the wards of the liberalism that helped create them. The Obama-era never ended in so many ways.

    I don’t think Coates is dumb nor do I think he is untalented. I read his Black Panther and Captain America runs, there was okay to fine. Dude can write, but the walls of liberalism enclose his imagination like so many people. When I see Coates, I see the black thought crashes into the wall of Neoliberalism. That black thought is either subsumed by Neoliberalism or it overcomes it, there is not synthesis as Neoliberalism can only consume not create.

    My issue with Coates and those like him he buys into the sort of liberalism end of history myth. He sorts of sees everything as fine in general just bad actors or some bad outcomes, but never really looks at bad systems that create bad actors or bad outcomes. The machine itself is working to people like Coates, we need to flip some switches and twist some knobs and this machine will be even better. Move the evil slider from “MAXIMUM EVIL” to “MINIMUM EVIL” and such. As Dr Cornel West so rightly said, “Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle”. Which I don’t even take as a dig at Coates, more a dig at the worldview of Coates and people like him.

    The existing neoliberal order will never palestine-heart free Palestine palestine-heart, as the existing order has no solutions to offer. Neoliberalism can’t solve the problems it created. Hell Neo-liberalism didn’t solve Jim Crow, it just exported it from the market to the police industrial complex and changed the name.

    Coates and other liberal thinkers who aren’t utterly heartless vampires are the saddest liberals to me. They understand the world sucks ass in some way (sometimes it’s for the LGBT++ folks, sometimes it’s a racial group, sometimes it’s some other undeserved group) by their very ideology gives them nothing to solve their issues. They can say people need to be less -ist or -phobic but their thinking doesn’t allow to really question the relationships or dynamics of power in the world they live in. They think we live in the best possible world with some flaws that can be solved without changing the nature of the world in anyway way.

    At least leftists of any stripe some have solutions. Even if they aren’t perfect, they are at least better than doing nothing and feeling bad about it.

  • I have always thought that productions can’t support “divas”. I have no real experience with movie making, but I would imagine there is a ton of “waiting for X so Y can do Z”. Not in a rude way, but I would imagine lots of people are expecting other people to be on point so they can do their job. In a certain sense I think that’s kind of rad because it implies everyone is sort of working toward the common goal of making some movie magic. Being a “diva” may work in wrestling or certain types of live performances, but something like film production is far more structure and doesn’t really want spontaneous change or dynamic alterations to the schedule.

    On a purely personal level how can you be a “manly man™©®” be so fragrantly disrespectful of other people’s time and talents. So many of these macho masculine self-help/guru types talk about being respectful and being a man and shit, and these is just actively un-manly. It’s boyish. A boy would have this sort of mindset and behavior, not a man. It lacks honor, it diligence, it lacks consistency, it lacks all of the virtues people like Johnson espouse in their videos and “brand”. You can’t call yourself a man and be so self-centered.